Chapter 13

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Raise Hell By Dorothy


Ok dare I say, Bella was right about Saturday nights.

I thought last week was crazy, tonight is just 100 times more packed. But the good thing is I'll probably make good money.

Friday was busy as well but nothing like tonight, I haven't even seen Harry yet which is great. I still can't believe that happened the other night with him. Now I feel like he knows everything about my life, he had to just go and comment on Finn, like I know he's an ass already you don't need to say anymore. My grandparents just had to talk to him, well they'll talk to anyone especially my grandma. She just had to bring up that I work at chili's, which was a lie. I still haven't told them yet, I'm going to. I mean yes Harry was maybe right I shouldn't lie to them, they helped me throughout so much in my life they don't deserve it. Also, it's really not bad, I'm a server, not a stripper, if I was that they'll probably freak the fuck out. But at the end of the day I'm 25 I can do whatever I want, but I'm a mom so I just gotta make a smart choice.

As I said I haven't seen Harry at all yet. I asked Joey and he just said he was doing something he'll come in later. It's been about two hours now, hopefully, he won't even show up. I know we both said we'll try and be nicer to each other, but who am I kidding? He'll never be that.

"Hey, how's it going, tired yet?," Bella says, as she's coming by me as I'm getting drinks by the bar.

"Oh, please she's not tired she loves it" Violet speaks up as she's drinking her martini.

But it's kinda true, I mean it does get tiring but I kinda like it, because it keeps me busy and not to try and focus on anything else.

"Yep I'm fine, how's it going over there?" I point my head to the stage.

I gotta give props to Bella, she works so hard all the time. I can't even believe she does it, it looks incredibly difficult to do. Plus she's doing it with striper heels, if I did that I'll probably fall face first it won't be pretty.

"I'm alright except for the asshole over there"
she points to a guy that's sitting on the lounge couch, with a bunch of women around him. He looks like he's in his 20s, he has two full sleeve tattoos and short brown hair, he screams trouble.

"Oh, are you alright? Did he say something to you?"

"Well, he touched me on my leg three times, after I told him not to touch me the first time, but then he stopped so that's why I'm over here now," she says

Shit, I feel so awful, I didn't expect her to say that.

"That fucking dick head, I'll punch him in the face if you want," Violet says

"No, no, I'm fine now, I'm gonna stay over here for a while, plus Harry's not here right now it doesn't even matter"

I just nod at her, some men are fucking pigs, they have no respect whatsoever when it comes to women. You should never touch a woman, only if they say yes. But if they say no you back off right away. Consent is the most important thing.

"Here you go ruby," Joey said as he comes by me and hands me two glasses of mojitos.

"Thank you very much"

As I said before Joey makes the fucking best drinks, I wish I can drink when I work sometimes it makes me so thirsty. I was about to leave, but then Joey says something to me.

"Hey Ruby, so I've been meaning to tell you, will be closed tomorrow"

Did I hear that right, closed tomorrow? On the good side, it's a relaxing day for me. But on the other side no money I guess. But why is it closed? Harry seems like the type of guy that'll never take off.

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