Chapter 48

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Sparks by Coldplay

TW!! A brief message of physical abuse

I know you wanna read but I just wanna say HAPPY 1 YEAR OF ELECTRIC BOX! I can't believe it's already been a year since I started writing this book. I thought of this idea back in May 2021, I wasn't gonna write it but I never heard a story like this so I'm glad I stuck with it. I remember when people didn't even read it now I have 322k+Views! That's crazy, also big thanks to TikTok for helping me get that many, and all of those vids I made are 💯 coming I promise, actually one very soon. I seriously can not thank you guys enough that you take your time of day to read my story it means so much to me. If you've been here since the beginning of mid through this year you know I've been up and down getting hate on my fanfic, but at the end of the day it's my story and I can write it however I want if I love an easier read that's completely okay! I also see love in my story with so much kind compliments it honestly brings me to tears, sometimes I will be slow with updates I'm sorry, but I'll never stop writing this story ever! Thank you so much I appreciate you all I love you guys. 💙


I love my job I'm so thankful that I have one it's a joy working with my friends and my boyfriend, but right now I'm miserable on this Sunday night.

I thought today would be a fun day but I was a wreck crying in the dressing room today. I just had to have that terrible flashback of Finn and his horrible friends calling me names during Halloween. I don't wanna think about that though I have to focus on my work.

"Here you go," Joey says handing me two beers, I put them on my tray. "Hey, you alright sweetheart?"

Joey is seriously the best, he's so nice in helping me with my outfit making me comfortable with everything. But he was strange today when Harry and I arrived at Starbucks he kept smiling at us, I honestly didn't know why I think he was like that because he's always sweet.

"Yeah I'm good, just a little tired that's all"

"I feel you on that, I will say though you're doing a fabulous job here Ruby if I didn't tell you already I love working with you," he says with a bright smile."And I'm happy Harry hired you, if he didn't I'll beat his ass he would have been sorry if he didn't"

"Well he definitely would be" which is sorta true, Well I don't know but I do think I am a pretty good cocktail waitress. "Thanks, Joey that means a lot from you, I'm happy working with you too, honestly if you didn't work here this place would be boring," I tell him which is completely true, Joey is a blast, he's so fun to be around and the sweetest, of course, Harry's great too but I barely see him when I work, I excuse myself to bring the drinks to the customers.

Speaking of Harry I can't stop thinking about him tonight, I can't believe he helped me today with me hyperventilating in the dressing room, he was helping me breathe no one has ever done that with me.

Well, no one has ever seen me in that state until now, I did it a couple of times when I was thinking about the bad things when Finn and I were together, it went away for a while but today it came back haunting me.

I know Harry was down today but the fact that he helped me and I didn't with him I can't sand it, I feel horrible.

After placing a couple more drinks on the tables I head over by the lounge couches and I see Ava there with Niall, I make my way over to them.

"Hey guys-" I stop because I see Ava whipping tears, I can tell she doesn't want me to notice, in my heart it's telling me to ask her what's wrong, but from her point of view I know she doesn't want me to ask. "I didn't expect to see you Niall since it's a school night"

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