Chapter 7: Godzilla

Start from the beginning

The four of them begin walking towards the school entrance, and a new "Chapter" of their lives, the goal that Katsuki and Izuku had set as kids, is finally coming into Fruition, our boys are attending UA high.
Upon entering classroom 1A they instantly heard a familiar voice and one that would be quite annoying.

Iida: Kirashima please get your feet down off the table. It's disrespectful to the heros who sat here before us!!!!
Katsuki: OH SHUT UP FOUR EYES, IT'S TOO EARLY FOR YOUR YELLING!!! Yo teach, can you get up and control this walking rule book?

As if on cue a yellow sleeping bag arose from behind the desk and told everyone to get in their seats. After that he told everyone to come up one by one and introduce themselves and explain their quirk. The last two to go up were Katsuki and Izuku.

Katsuki: Names Katsuki Bakugo, and my quirk is explosion. My sweat works like nitroglycerin and I can ignite it in my palms and make it explode. So don't any of you extras piss me off or I'll blast ya to kingdom come!
Aizawa: Next
Izuku: Hello,I'm Izuku Midoriya and my quirk recently manifested. It's hard to explain but I call it Napalm. I secrete a napalm like substance from my arms and hands and using my enhanced metallic fingernails to create a spark, I can ignite it resulting in green flames.
Whole class: THAT WAS YOU???

Izuku turned bright red and chuckled as he completely forgot about the exam incident. Aizawa then told the students to put on their gym uniforms and head out to the training grounds for quirk evaluation. In the boys locker room, they are all in various stages of undress. Our boys notice the murmurs about themselves and decide to listen in but one person broke the tension by flat out asking them questions.

Kirishima: Yo Midoriya, Bakugo, you guys are freaking ripped, what's your secret?
Katsuki/Izuku: Huh?
Kirishima: You guys must work out like crazy to have that much definition at our age
Katsuki: Trust me weird hair, you couldn't handle our training
Kirishima: Weird hair? Your hair is similar to mine, and my name is Kirishima
Izuku: Don't take it personally, that's just how he talks
Katsuki: Shut it nerd
Izuku: Yeah yeah love you too buddy
Katsuki: *Angrily ruffles through his locker*
Izuku: Anyway, Kirishima, to answer your question, we gained strength by working on cleaning up this beach
Kirishima: Man I heard rumors about two guys cleaning that place up, never would have guessed I'd meet them
Katsuki: We're still not done yet *closes his locker and faces Kirishima*

Kirishima was shocked and a little unnerved when Katsuki closed his locker bare chested, not because of some weird reason that I know some of you are thinking about, but because of all the visible scars he had, some even looked like burn scars. But before he could ask, everyone's attention was drawn to a certain purple ball headed teen, who had discovered a hole in the wall that tunneled all the way through to the girls locker room

Mineta: Sweet, this hole goes right into the girls locker room, you guys gotta come see this
Kirishima: Mineta, dude, not cool
Mineta: Suit yourself.... Damn Yaoyorozu, please turn around and let me see what you got- Ew Jiro, put it back on, no one wants to see your flat chested ass, move over, ohhh Mina you looking good too.

Hearing those words made the ears of Katsuki and Izuku perk up, they immediately stared daggers at him as he continues to gawk and comment on the bodies of their girlfriends, They finished putting on their gear and  made their way to confront the peeping pervert, Katsuki's palms were illuminated by tiny explosions going off, a loud screeching sound echoed through the locker room and white hot Sparks showered the floor as Izuku ground his nails down a locker door. The boys silently but menacingly walked over to the still peeking Mineta, just before they reached him, he withdrew in pain as something had jabbed him in the eye, Katsuki immediately recognized that it was Jiro's earphone jack, Katsuki reach down, grabbed Mineta by his shirt and lifted him off the ground up to eye level, he was greeted by four glowing orbs of rage, two were a fiery crimson, and the other two were a piercing emerald. It was like the two temporarily shared the same brain because they only had one thing to say, and they said it simultaneously

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