"Hey baby."

"Hey." Trinity said lightly.

"How's it going so far? You like it?"

"I love it, actually. Yanna is super nice. I set my side of the room up and I like it."

"Let me see." Hoseok said, propping his hand behind his head.

On the other end he laid in their bed back home, no shirt on his body and only a pair of basketball shorts with the air blasting and the tv playing.

Trinity showed him her side of the room. "That's cute, princess." Hoseok said.

"It's cozy. Yanna doesn't mind it and I think it's minimalistic enough." Trinity shrugged, settling back into bed.

Hoseok kissed his teeth. "I wish Yanna big head ass would say sum about my baby side of the room." He said.

Trinity laughed. "Don't be talking bout my roommate like that. She cool people." Trinity defended.

"Better be." Hoseok said. It was silent for awhile before he moved around a bit in bed, coughing.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I just smoked one so my throat a lil dry." Hoseok chuckled.

"Did you drink some water?" Trinity questions.

"I did."

"Did you eat today?" She asked.

"I did. I picked up some food from mama." He said, referring to Mrs.Kim.

"Oouuu what she made?"

"She fried fish and allat. It was good as hell too. And guess who don't got noneee." He teased trinity, sticking his tongue out.

"Don't do me like that." Trinity pouted, actually hurt that she couldn't enjoy some of her mother's cooking at the moment.

"I'm just fuckin' witchu baby. Did you eat though?"

"I didn't."

"Why not?" Hoseok asked her, already feeling a bit uneasy about that.

"Because I was setting up my side of the room and stuff. But when we get off the phone I'm gonna order something."

"I'm about to send you some cash for it. Hold on." Hoseok said. Before Trinity could object, she got the notification.

"You didn't have to do that. I didn't need fifty dollars for Chinese food." Trinity rolled her eyes.

"I can send more." Hoseok said.

"This is more than enough. Thank you, hobi." Trinity said thankfully. Hoseok nodded, now feeling more relaxed.

"Your birthday coming up." Hoseok mentioned. Trinity sighed.

"I know." She said.

"You thought about what you wanna do? Another party, a dinner or something? Let me know now so I can handle that."

"I just wanna spend time witchu'." Trinity said honestly, looking at the wall.

Hoseok smirked. "I feel special."

"But you knew that already. I didn't really want a party for my 18th but you still have me one and I loved it. This year it's really not much I want to do besides eat some cake and just...chill." Trinity mumbled.

"Well we can do that, ma." Hoseok agreed. He was still going to take her out on a shopping spree and spoil her with gifts though.

"There is one thing I really wanna do though." Trinity said.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now