Chapter 26 - trapped

Start from the beginning

Candles were lit on the table on some decorated platform. The living area had this large white rug too. The walls were decorated with simple, gorgeous minimalistic art pieces.

I could peek a little into the black kitchen, with a huge stove and oven. I love it. I squinted my eyes at Leo, "is this your way of bribing me?"

He smiled, his white teeth were perfectly straight. His blue eyes were dead gorgeous with his brown hair. But that crazy twinkle in his eye? That was deadly. He could go off any moment.

"Got that Stockholm syndrome yet?" He meant it as a joke but he noticed how high my guard was. He then sighed, "The door won't open and is fortified, even I wouldn't be able to tear it out. The same goes for windows and such. There are no sharp objects in this house and I added a bit of tech you won't find so I know at all times where you are. Happy?"

I nodded, "now I can be less suspicious." I groaned and tried to get up, a shower does seem nice. But my ankles still hurt like hell, they were healing slowly.

He grabbed my upper arm to hold me steady. "There's no need for suspicion." He mentioned.

I yanked my arm loose and growled at him, "You kidnapped me." I spat. "You... You forced me plenty of times, you forced me into a situation I didn't want to be in. You marked me against my will three times! And... And because of you I was so stressed all the fucking time!"

He grabbed both my forearms and shook me a little so I stopped yelling. "I realize that, why else do you think I made a home for you?" He circled his arms around me and tightened them so it looked like we were hugging. "I want a future for us and our future pups, safe and well. I settled down for you, I behaved for you and I built this exactly how you wanted it." He released me and placed his dirty paws on my cheeks.

"You'll realize that soon." He kissed my forehead ever so gently.

"I'm again locked up against my will... Eventually, you'll try to force your way onto me again."

He shook his head and chuckled, "I promise you I won't, yes, you are locked up but it is for your safety. In here you are safe and my offspring will be too."

"God Leo, you can't lock kids in a house either!"

"Shh, we'll see in time yeah? Maybe if you behave I'll grant you some wishes okay? For now, let's take you to the shower and freshen you up." Without further warning, he hoisted me up in his arms again.

Struggling was futile so I let him. He carried me up the wooden stairs, there were even lights built into the side of the stairs.

The stairs led to a small hallway that led to multiple rooms left and right. "This is a smaller bathroom with just a shower and toilet and our bathroom connects to our bedroom. There are five more rooms."

Leo opened one door and I was met with a spacious, but again cozy bedroom. "there is also an attic with another room, a laundry room, and enough space for storage."

In 'our' bedroom stood a large king-sized bed and a wooden closet large enough for two.  There also was another door that I assumed led to the bathroom. The bedroom was styled in neutral white and nude colors. There also was some light pink like the sheets and the cushions.

He carried me towards the door I assumed led to the bathroom. He opened it and my guess was right on point. The bathroom tiles were large and black, though the walls were white with thin wooden planks decorating the middle. There was a large bathtub and a walk-in shower with two showerheads. The walls in the shower were a dark forest green. The tiles were in a different pattern too.

I accidentally let a wow escape my lips and I only realized I did when he laughed and told me he worked on this for a month. "You built most of it yourself?" I asked.

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