Chapter 22: Back To Work

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It was now the morning of the day that Gionna was heading back on the road as her two weeks off were at an end.

The second week consisted of things like Adam and Gionna going on dates sometimes with other couples like Jack and Alice or Logan and Pamela.

Gionna also met other people such as Lou who works at the post office, she also met Jason and Melissa who work at the recording studio when he showed her around the studio.

As Gionna was waking up, she saw Adam was still asleep so she wrapped herself around him tighter as she was a little bit saddened not because she was going back on the road and back to work, but because she had enjoyed these two weeks off so much while she's stayed at Adam's place.

While she held on tighter to Adam, Gionna didn't anticipate that he would be awake even though his eyes were closed.
Adam felt Gionna tighten her grip around him and as he could tell that his hand was still on Gionna's butt, he decided to slowly raise his hand and then smacked Gionna's butt which gave her quite the surprise as she gasped and looked at Adam who had one eye opened but he saw that Gionna had now caught on that he was really awake and he pretended to sleep.

When he saw that Gionna spotted him he closed his eyes but it was too late as Gionna saw him.

Gionna: nope, you're too late baby, I already saw you haha.

Gionna straddled Adam and started to tickle Adam around his mid section.

Adam: ah hahaha babe, you're tickling me hahaha, stop.

Gionna: nope, I'm going to keep tickling you haha, surrender to me my love haha.

Adam: never, I will never surrender haha.

As Gionna was tickling him, Adam decided to distract her.

Adam: hey babe, what's that ?

Gionna: where ?

Adam took the opportunity to flip her over so she was on her back and Adam held her wrists above her head.

They looked into each other's eyes for a moment before Adam started kissing her neck.

Gionna started biting her lip and she wrapped her legs around Adam's waist.

Adam then moved his hands a bit further down and Gionna then wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

Adam had Gionna right where he wanted her so he moved his hands closer to Gionna's mid section and he then began tickling her ribs.

Gionna: oh you sneaky devil haha.

Adam: haha, yep i certainly am babe, I'm your sneaky devil haha.

They stopped tickling each other and Adam laid back down next to Gionna and they just looked at each other after they stopped laughing.

Adam placed his hand on Gionna's cheek and she kept his hand there by holding onto his arm.

Adam: today's the day darlin'.

Adam said as he lightly brushed his thumb up and down Gionna's cheek.

Gionna sighed at what Adam said.

Gionna: I know, and don't get me wrong baby, I love what I do, it's just that I've had a lot of fun being here with you.

Adam: sweetheart, i love that you have had fun being here, but you've got stuff to do, you are one half of the womens tag team champions, you've got to go out there and show the rest of the womens division why you are a champion in the first place, and that's not just because you are a fan favourite, but also because of all the hard work, effort and dedication that you've put in to getting to where you are now and where you'll be in the future.

Before I Met Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें