Chapter 7: Returning Home

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Gionna had woken up and had a shower and got changed into some clothes.
She came out of the bathroom and dori was sat on the couch waiting for her.

Dori: hey Gionna, you ready ?

Gionna: yeah, I guess.

Dori: what's wrong ?

Gionna: nothing really...

Dori: come on i know you better than this, something's bothering you.

Gionna: it's just, the date last night was so wonderful, that i didn't want it to end.

Dori: aww Gionna's in love.

Gionna: I thought you knew this already.

Dori: you never told me though.

Gionna: well I am, ok i love him.

Dori: do you know if he feels the same way ?

Gionna: well yeah that's what we told each other when I wanted to talk to him at the arena.

Dori: oh okay, so you both told each other that you love each other back at the arena.

Gionna: yeah.

Dori: so what's the problem ?

Gionna: he's going back home today so I'm going to miss him.

Dori: well you guys will be keeping in contact right ?

Gionna: yeah but I like seeing him and talking to him in person more.

Dori: think about it this way though, when he comes to see you at shows you've got this big adorable smile on your face and so has he.

Gionna: you think so ?

Dori: oh I know so, you should see the look on his face when your around.

Gionna: really ?

Dori: yeah, I've caught him looking at you when you don't see him looking at you and his cheeks go bright red.

Gionna: that's really cute, I'm so going to tease him about things like this haha.

Dori: haha.

Adam had also woken up and was thinking about the date he had with Gionna when a smile appeared on his face as he thought to himself "I've never had so much fun on a date with someone, she's got a great personality, she's funny, not to mention she's beautiful".
Adam had gotten ready and packed his bags and locked his room and got to the lobby and checked out and waited for everyone to meet him there.
Gionna and Dori had started to make their way to the lobby and saw Adam waiting for everyone else.

Adam looked up and smiled as he saw Gionna and Dori.

Adam: hey Gionna, you ok ?

Gionna: I'm good thanks what about you ?

Adam: I'm good, how about you dori, you ok ?

Dori: yeah I'm good thanks, just thinking about the smackdown show in a few days because we'll be defending our titles for the first time in Natalya and Tamina's title rematch.

Adam: you guys are going to win and retain I just know it.

Gionna: thanks babe, I hope you'll enjoy our match.

Adam: oh i will don't you worry darlin'.

Adam then winked at gionna.

Dori: don't look now Adam, but i think your girl is blushing.

Adam: oh really ?

Gionna: so, you blush too.

Adam: oh yeah, when ?

Before I Met YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz