Chapter 23: Closure And New Champs

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It was morning and Gionna had already done a workout and had a shower and now she had got changed and was about to take a mirror selfie and then post it to her Instagram page.

It was morning and Gionna had already done a workout and had a shower and now she had got changed and was about to take a mirror selfie and then post it to her Instagram page

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16,467 likes • liked by adam.taylor93 and 16,466 others

Yaonlylivvonce OOTD

See all 5,783 comments

thelanawwe cute outfit !
Yaonlylivvonce 😁
natbynature looking good there
Yaonlylivvonce thanks nattie 😄
Aliyahwwe that's a lewk !
Yaonlylivvonce it is 🙏
adam.taylor93 looking forward to seeing you in two weeks beautiful 😍
Yaonlylivvonce can't wait to see you baby 🥰😘

Gionna had posted the selfie and responded to people that commented including Adam.
She then got in her jeep and made her way to Cj's house where the others would meet up and hang out.

Meanwhile at Adam's house, he had just come back from walking Jaeger and he received a text message from his mum.

Jaclyn: hey son, sorry to spring this on you, but me and your brother are on our way to come and talk to you, it's important.

Adam: okay, see you in a bit then.

Confused, Adam sat down and started thinking about what his mum and brother wanted to talk to him about.
He gave up and shook his head.

Adam: I guess I'll just leave it and find out when they get here.

He sat on his couch petting Jaeger for about half an hour until his mum and brother knocked on his front door.

Adam got up to answer the door and greeted his mum and brother and let them inside.

Adam: hi mum, how are you ?

Jaclyn: I'm good son, how are you ?

Adam: I'm good thanks, how about you Logan ?

Logan: not bad brother.

Jaclyn: it's good that you're in a good mood son, how about we sit down and me and your brother can then talk to you about a certain someone.

With a look of confusion on his face he directed his mum and brother to the couch and he sat down on a chair.

Adam: so what is it you two wanted to talk to me about ?

Jaclyn looked at Logan and then back at Adam and then started talking.

Jaclyn: now just before I say what I'm about to say, just know that whatever you decide to do from here will be your own decision and we will support you one hundred percent.

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