Chapter 15: Adam's New Truck

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Adam had arrived home after going to the family barbecue and getting drunk.

As Adam flopped down on his couch, he could still feel the effects of the hangover as he held his head in his hand and thought to himself "I'm not getting drunk again anytime soon".

He then went and got the first aid kit he has in his house and replaced the gauze and bandage with clean ones.

He then decided to go into the home music studio downstairs and listen to some music, jaeger followed him downstairs and as Adam chose some music to listen to, his phone got a text message.
He looked at his phone and saw that it was Gionna as he smiled at her name popping up on his phone.

Gionna: hey love, just checking to see if you got home safely. ☺️

Adam: hi baby, yeah i got home safely and I'm going to listen to some music in my home studio. What about you ? How's your day been so far ? 🤗

Gionna: it's going great thanks, I've just been doing some stuff around the ranch and then I'm heading back on the road early in the morning. How's your head, I hear you have a hangover. 😟

Adam: yeah, I've got a hangover but it's easing off a bit, but I've also got a cut from falling and hitting my head which I've just put a clean bandage on. If you want to know what i was like, I'll tell you next time i see you.

Gionna: aww my poor baby 😂 want me to kiss your head better ? 😘😏

Adam: I certainly wouldn't mind it. 😉

Gionna: haha, well i can't wait to see you again at the ppv baby, i love you and I'll text you later. 🥰

Adam: ok, I'll see you later babe, I love you too. 😘

And just as the text conversation with his girlfriend ended, he got a phone call from the company whose website Adam is selling his GT-R on.

????: hello Mr Taylor ? My name is Amy and I'm calling from the company that is helping you sell your car.

Adam: oh hello, how are you ?

Amy: I'm great thank you, I'm calling to let you know that someone has made an inquiry to buy your Nissan GT-R from you, now they will pay the asking price but they would like to have it as soon as they possibly can.

Adam: oh excellent, they can definitely have it as soon as they can, just let me know when they would like to have it delivered and where then we'll go from there ok ?

Amy: sure thing Mr Taylor, I'll contact the buyer and I'll call you with the details.

Adam: ok thanks, bye.

Adam then decided to let Logan know since he was curious about what Adam would be getting as they've always liked cars since they were kids.

Adam: hey brother, just letting you know I've sold my GT-R and I'm just waiting to finalise the last few details and then i can start looking at trucks.

Logan: nice, let me know when because i would like to have a look with you if you don't mind.

Adam: yeah sure, I'll let you know.

Adam had chosen some cds to listen to.

Adam had chosen some cds to listen to

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