Chapter 26: The Road To Recovery Begins

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Sarah: shall we tell them ?
Dori: it's up to you Gionna.
Gionna: okay then....

Back to present time.....

Adam: what's up ?

Gionna: so you know how I'm going to be out of action for nine months at most ?

Adam: yeah ?

Gionna: and how i was upset about us having to give up the titles ?

Pamela: yeah ?

Dori: well before me and Sarah made our way to the hospital, I got a call from Hunter and Stephanie.

Logan: okay, what was it about ?

Gionna: well they just told me that....

Before Gionna told Adam what she was smiling about, doctor Phillips came through the door to check on Gionna.

Doctor Phillips: oh hey you're already up, how are you feeling ?

Gionna: well I'm feeling sore but apart from that, I'm okay.

Doctor Phillips: well that's good to hear, but we're still going to have to keep you here overnight, just to make sure that everything's good before we discharge you from the hospital tomorrow.

Gionna: okay doc, thanks.

Doctor Phillips: anytime.

The doctor then left the room after checking up on Gionna.

Pamela: so Gionna, what we're you going to say before the doctor entered the room ?

Gionna: oh yeah, so you know how, Dori got a call from Hunter and Stephanie ?

Adam: yeah ?

Gionna then told Adam, Logan and Pamela everything about what herself, Dori and Sarah were talking about.

(The next day)

Today was the day that Gionna was getting discharged from the hospital and would be able to start the long recovery process, the doctor had just left the room and Gionna was now allowed to leave the hospital and go home.

During the night when Gionna was asleep, Adam had a talk with her mother about who would be looking after Gionna, and Adam said that he would gladly look after her the whole time.

Adam helped Gionna get changed into some clothes that he had picked up from her ranch, he brought her some sweatpants and a sweatshirt and a beanie hat and helped her put them on.

Georgette then came back into the room after telling Gionna's brothers and sister what had happened.

Adam: how did everything go ?

Georgette: pretty well, they're more at ease knowing that the surgery went well.

Adam: how are you feeling ?

Georgette: I'm okay thanks for asking, i mean it's never a good thing when I see one of my kids hurt, but I'm glad that Gionna has so many people that care about her.

Gionna: I can hear you, you know.

Adam: haha, come on babe, let's get these discharge papers to the front desk and we can get you home.

Gionna: okay baby.

Adam gently helped Gionna up and Georgette handed her the crutches and Gionna started moving about on them pretty easily.

Adam grabbed Gionna's suitcase that Pamela had brought back from the arena yesterday when she came to the hospital with Logan to visit Gionna.

Adam and Gionna's mother, Georgette were watching Gionna as she was walking on her crutches to the front desk where they handed the discharge papers over to the receptionist behind the desk.

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