Chapter 10: Bringing Her Back and First Time Together.

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Adam had woken up and washed up in the shower, got changed into some clothes and then chose to have something to eat.
As he was eating, started thinking about his date with Gionna last night and how great it was.
He remembered parts of the conversations they had on the date but one part in particular was when they were talking about when Adam would be coming to visit Gionna at her ranch and that she wanted him to bring his dog with him.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head that he would bring up to Gionna in a little bit when they would meet up in the hotel lobby.
After Adam had eaten, he then went and packed up his suitcase ready for when he goes home.
Then it was time for Adam to leave his hotel room and hand the key over at the front desk.
As Adam left the hotel room, his brother had bumped into him on the way there.

Logan: hey Adam, you ok ?

Adam: yeah thanks, you ?

Logan: i am, yeah thanks for asking. Hey how did your date go yesterday ?

A smile then appeared on Adam's face.

Logan: that good huh ?

They then both started walking.

Adam: yeah, it was fantastic, I was nervous for nothing, she liked the suit and we both were talking and laughing through our the meal there and then we walked along the river that was not too far from the restaurant.

Logan: go on.

Adam: then we sat on a bench for a bit and talked.

Logan: about what ?

Adam: well about my nerves before the date and we were also talking how happy we've both been since we started dating.

Logan: did you guys talk about visiting each other ?

Adam: a bit yeah but this morning I've been thinking about because she wants me to bring jaeger with me to her ranch, i was thinking about if she would like to come with me to mine to pick him up and we go to her ranch from there the next day.

Logan decided to tease his brother about this.

Logan: you just want her to stay the night at yours don't you hahaha.

Adam: shut up.

Logan: you didn't deny it.

Adam: be quiet you.

Logan: alright I'll stop haha.

Adam: come on, let's get to the lobby.

Logan: onward brother.

Adam smiled and shook his head and then they went down to the lobby to check out.

As Adam and Logan reached the lobby, they saw that Gionna, Dori, Pamela and Mercedes were talking about something and as they turned around to see Adam and Logan there, they got quieter and then some giggles were heard.

Logan: what are you lot talking about ?

Pamela: never you mind Logan.

Logan saw Gionna staring at Adam as he was checking out of his room and heading the key back over.
Gionna then saw that Logan had spotted her staring at his brother and then quickly turned back to the girls.

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