Chapter 8: Making Plans

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It was the morning after Adam had arrived home from a couple of days at the pay per view and then the day after that was his first date with Gionna.

Adam had woken up and had a shower and then got changed into some clean clothes, and headed downstairs and fed jaeger and had some breakfast.
After that Adam walked jaeger and when he got back, he decided to check in at the studio.

Adam got in his hellcat charger and drove to the studio.
Adam parked at the front of the studio and made his way inside.
Adam went to the front desk where Melissa was dealing with some emails.

Adam: hey Melissa, how's it going ?

Melissa: hey Adam, how did your last few days go ?

Adam: they went very well thanks for asking.

Melissa: your smiling more than usual, any particular reason why ?

Melissa was curious as she had her hand under her chin with a teasing look on her face.

Adam: what ?

Melissa: is there a special lady in your life ?

Adam blushed because he knew Melissa was right but didn't want her to know she was right.
As Adam was about to say something, Jason came out of one of the studio rooms and saw Adam.

Jason: hey Adam, how are you dude ?

Adam: I'm fine thanks.

Melissa said to Jason in a teasing tone of voice.

Melissa: Adam's got a special someone in his life.

Jason: oh yeah ?

Adam: come on now, I came here to check in on everyone and everything not to be interrogated about my love life.

Jason and Melissa: hahahaha.

Jason: alright well, I've finally arranged the date for when killswitch engage will start making some music here.

Adam: ok, now that you've mentioned it, how come they wanted to come here ? Don't they already have a studio that they record at ?

Jason: well yeah but the studio they usually record at is being completely refurbished so they need another studio to record at.

Adam: oh ok, I'm not complaining though, I was just curious.

Jason: oh and also another local band wants to record a few songs here too, they will start next week.

Adam: awesome, anything else ?

Jason: not really, just a few small matters that can be dealt with whenever.

Adam: ok so when's your shift over ?

Jason: in about five minutes actually, how come ?

Adam: just thought you'd might want to catch up, we haven't really talked about anything other that the studio.

Jason: yeah sure, we can go grab a bite to eat or something.

Adam: yeah sure, I'll just wait here then.

Jason: alright then, I'll finish up here and I'll be back out in a bit.

Five minutes have passed and Jason was finished for the day.

Jason: hey Adam, ready to go ?

Adam: yeah let's go.

Jason got in the passenger seat and Adam drove to the nearest bar and grill.
They went inside, ordered and while they waited for their food, they talked about recent events in their lives.

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