Chapter 39: Finale

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It was twenty four hours after Adam and Gionna brought their newborn daughter Hailey home.
It was the middle of the night and Gionna had woken up and she was moving her hand around in search of Adam but only felt the warm and empty space next to her.
She sat up and looked around for Adam but didn't see him.
She got out of bed and saw the door open so she walked out of the bedroom and while doing so, she heard the faint sound of some soft singing and as she kept walking, she saw that Hailey's nursery door was open.
She got closer to the door and as she peeked through, she saw Adam sat on the rocking chair, rocking back and forth with Hailey in his arms as he was singing to her a song called father and daughter by Paul Simon until she fell asleep.

Gionna quietly walked into the room as she found it really cute and she wanted to listen to Adam singing the whole song.

By the time Adam had finished singing the song to Hailey, she had fallen back to sleep and Adam carefully and quietly placed Hailey back in her crib and as he turned back around, he saw Gionna with a smile on her face as he whispered to her.

Adam: you should be asleep.

Gionna: I was, but you weren't there.

Adam: i didn't want to wake you up, you haven't got much sleep since we've been at the hospital.
Hailey woke up crying and i wanted to get her to go to sleep without waking you up.

Gionna: well our daughter's asleep now, so how about we get some sleep too baby.

Gionna grabbed Adam's hand and led him back to their bedroom and quietly closed the door before they got under the covers and snuggled back up close to each other and fell asleep.

A few days later......

Gionna was now starting to workout again after giving her body some rest after giving birth to Hailey and she was at the home gym working out with Adam while Hailey was in a baby bouncer with a mobile so they could keep an eye on her and make sure that she's safe while they were working out.

After their workout, Adam and Gionna took Hailey back inside the house with them and Gionna had a shower while Adam watched over Hailey and then after Gionna had a shower and got changed, she went downstairs and watched over Hailey while Adam had a shower and got changed.

Then, after doing the ranch chores, Adam was making some dinner for him and Gionna while Gionna was feeding Hailey.
After feeding and burping Hailey, Gionna had placed Hailey back in her crib that is in her nursery for her afternoon nap and then went back downstairs.
She went up behind Adam who was in the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him on the cheek.

Gionna: need any help baby ?

Adam: well if you want, how about you cut those veggies ?

Gionna: okay baby.

A little bit later, Adam and Gionna had finished their dinner and washed the dishes, they cuddled on the couch for a little bit while Hailey was still napping.
Adam laid down on the couch first and Gionna laid down on top of him and Adam wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on her forehead as she snuggled further into him.

About fifteen minutes later and they were woken up by Hailey crying.

Adam: I'll go and check on her.

Gionna: just bring her down with you and then we'll take her back up with us when it's time to go to bed.

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