Draco Malfoy - Empty Promises

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Summary : you knew there would be injuries and deaths during the war, but Draco wasn’t ready to lose you.

Prompts : "Your pain can't be a ten, it's only a scratch - oh.", "I want to marry you.", "It hurts. It hurts. It won't stop. Please, make it stop."

TW : injury, mentions of blood, death

Word count : 1169

Not long ago, Hogwarts was a beautiful place.

It was once a place of tranquility. The castle, barely visible over the rolling hills, held students of the highest promise for the future of magic.
It was something children talked about with excitement in their voices.

But now, smoke rose from its pillars, fire sucked the beauty and grace from the castle, and the stone walls were crumbling.

The common rooms were once a place where students socialised, shared plans, had parties.
Now, however, they were dark and empty, cold and distant, like a faraway memory.

Students, who used to wear proud smiles and excited grins on their faces, now ran through the crumbling halls, clutching their loved ones for dear life, casting desperate spells at death eaters who tried to harm them.

You knew, when the war would arrive, it would not be an easy battle to beat. But deep inside you, buried so far down it could have almost been a whisper of hope, you felt as if you could win.

Draco Malfoy may be your boyfriend, but you and he were not on the death eaters side. You had many friends from Gryffindor's house, and you had already almost lost Fred. you could see the fear on George’s face, when you told him Fred was injured, and you only wished he, nor anybody else you knew, would feel that way.

You looked to your right, where Draco gripped your hand so tightly it was beginning to turn numb.
You looked at him, caught his eye, and tried to smile.

You had overestimated your ability to stay calm, however, and a frown played across your lips instead.
Draco offered you a sympathetic look.

‘Whatever happens tonight, I promise I’ll protect you,’ he whispered, as you squeezed his hand.
You nodded.
‘I love you,’ you replied, reaching up to kiss.

As he leaned down to press a kiss against your lips, you only hoped it wouldn’t be the last time he did so.


He hoped the same, only in his perspective, he believed he would not win the war. He believed his father and Lord Voldermort would manipulate him into helping them. He did want to help them. He wanted to help you, Potter and the rest of the order.

He wanted peace, and he knew it wouldn’t be an easy route to get it.

And then, as if his thoughts were proving him right, a scream split the night.
Draco flinched, then his eyes widened and his heart lurched.

He knew that scream.

Draco began running. He stumbled and tripped, as if his feet couldn’t quite keep up with him.
He reached the courtyard, where the walls were crumbling and a thick haze of smoke rose from the turrets.

Then he saw you.

You were lying on the ground. Your eyes were squeezed shut, your hand was gripping your side, and you were whimpering quietly.

Raco dropped to his knees beside your body, lifting your head to rest on his lap.
‘Love, it’s me. It’s Draco. You’re okay. You’re okay.’
It hurts,’ you whimpered, your breaths coming out in sputtering gasps. ‘It hurts. I won’t stop.’

Draco’s heart dropped to his stomach. He didn't understand what was happening. He seemed to freeze. His whole body shut down. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. Couldn’t think.

He didn’t even understand what happened, or what was causing you so much pain.

Please, make it stop,’ your scratchy voice said.
Draco brushed his thumb across your cheek, trying to force back the flow of tears.

‘My love, what’s going on?’
He couldn’t barely register what was happening.
‘Y/n, look at me.’
You looked up at him, and your own eyes were filled with fear and pain.

‘Rate your pain, lovely, out of ten, rate your pain.’
You winced, tightening your grip on your side.
‘T—ten— ahh.’

Draco’s frown increased.
Your pain can’t be a ten, it’s only a scratch—oh.’
Draco could feel his hands begin to shake, and a lump rise in your throat, as you removed your hand from your side.

It was definitely not just a scratch.

A larsh gash was cut into your side, and through your played fingers, a large amount of blood was spilling into the floor.

‘Oh merlin.’ Draco’s voice was shaking. He looked back at you, to find that you had passed out, your eyes rolled back in your head, your hands dropped limply to the stone.

‘No, no, darling, wake up! Wake up, please!’

His begging was hopeless, however. No matter how many times he shook you, you wouldn’t wake.

A flow of tears streaming down his face, Draco lifted your body into his arms and ran to find someone who would help.

He did have to go far; in what was left of the great hall, a crowd of nurses buzzed around injured, wounded, or even dead people.

Draco knelt down, placing you on a stretcher, calling frantically for help. As a nurse sat beside your body, she winced.

‘Don’t do that,’ Draco whispered, his voice weak. ‘Just help her, please.’

Your eyes had begun to open a little, and you winced.
‘D—draco,’ you whispered. ‘Where … are you?’

Draco took a grip of your bloodied hand.
‘I’m here, my love, I’m here. You’re going to be okay.’
‘You—you promised me you’d protect me,’ you whimpered. Draco couldn’t stop the tears that began to slide down his cheeks.

‘I’m so sorry, darling. I promise you’re going to be okay.’
As if his own words wanted to prove him wrong, you let out a pained gasp and moved to clutch your bleeding side.

The nurse grabbed your wrist and moved it to Draco’s lap. ‘Don’t move, hun, try to stay as still as possible.’

You sucked in a sharp breath as you felt something wrap around your side. You winced, shifted, then winced again, and Draco took hold of your fingers.

After a few moments of silence, the nurse stood up and dusted off her hand.
‘You’ll be alright, but try not to move too much.’
You nodded and Draco muttered a thanks.

Then she left, and the two of you were alone.
‘I’m sorry for scaring you,’ you whispered, still not moving.
‘It’s not your fault, darling. I’m just glad you’re alright. I couldn’t bear to lose you, Y/n, you’re my whole world.’

Tears pricked your eyes.
Draco nodded. ‘Really. I want to live with you, Y/n, I want to marry you, I want to start a family with you.’
You forced a tired smile.
‘I want that too,’ you whispered, gripping his fingers.

‘I love you, Y/n.’

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