Something Different Again

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A/n :
So my tiktok wouldn't let me post, and I decided to move it here.
It's not the best but I'm a little stressed about it.

Anyway, enjoy!

Word count : 3092

Harry Potter Boys When You Walk Into Their Dorm Covered In Bruises

- You couldn’t remember what happened. After that moment, everything seemed to blur together. You remembered walking to Harry’s dorm, an air of excitement in your steps, as you had just received news about your test scores. Good news. But then you remembered a face. It was dark, and you could barely make it out through the shadows, but you saw distinct curls of white, and you knew who it was. Draco. Draco didn’t bother you all that much. Sure, he bullied you occasionally for being Harry’s girlfriend, and sometimes, he set Pansy to make fun of you, but he generally stayed away. You were grateful for that, as you didn’t fancy getting into an argument with him everytime he and Harry argued. But this night was different. He and Harry had possibly the worst disagreement, and he wanted revenge for Harry beating him in a duel. So, of course, he chose you. He knew if he got you, Harry would back down. That was all you could remember, along with a sparkling ring, glinting against the moon. Then darkness. The throb of your head, the sting of fresh cuts, the thudding of fresh bruises.

- You stumbled to Harry’s dorm, only semi conscious, out of it, and definitely scared. You could barely piece together what happened. It all came together so quickly, leaving you breathless and shaking, aching and in pain. You didn't bother knocking; there was no time for that. Harry glanced up from his desk, and his face fell to the floor. You hadn’t seen yourself, but you knew what state you were in, and how bad you looked; bruised and bloodied, shaking and tearful. ‘Oh my God,’ he muttered, jumping to his feet and wrapping his arm around your waist. The moment his hands touched your skin, you collapsed into him, breathing heavily. ‘What the hell happened?’ he asked, his voice weak. ‘I… don’t really remember,’ you whispered, closing your eyes. ‘But, it was Draco.’ The moment his name was uttered, Harry’s eyes darkened. ‘That snake! I’m so sorry, love, I promise I didn’t know he would do that.’ You nodded, leaning into his chest. ‘Come on, darling, let’s get you cleaned up.’ You bet he went to see Draco afterwards, returning to his dorm with bloodied hands and a split lip. ‘Don’t worry about me, baby, everything’s okay now.’

Ron :
- Your head hurt. Your hands were shaking. Your knees felt weak, as if they could collapse at any moment. Your lip was burst, a thin trail of red trickling down your face. Your eye was blackened, a dark bruise of purple and yellow staining your skin. Your hand was weak by your sides, and fresh tear tracks traced down your face. It was all so sudden, what happened. You barely had time to react. It was as if it all crashed down in a short, unforgiving moment, leaving you standing in it’s smouldering ashes. Shaking. Scared. Injured. Your knees were feeble as you limped to Ron’s dorm. The walk seemed longer and more extensive than you’d remembered, and it felt like hours had passed as you made your way up the moving stairs, through the painting, and to the wooden door that was Ron’s room. Your hands shook as you raised them to knock on the wood. The only reason you knocked was because you didn’t even have the strength to turn the handle, having used all your energy to stumble to his room.

- Ron opened the door with a smile that faded in seconds, replaced with a fearful expression, eyes wide, lips agape, eyebrows creased. ‘Love, what the hell…’ You couldn’t form words, and could only collapse into his arms, as he struggled to understand what was happening. He led you over to the bathroom, where he sat you on the counter and laid your head against the wall. You let out a quiet whimper as he dabbed your cuts with a damp towel. ‘I’m sorry, darling, but I have to…’ he trailed off. He was still so confused. One minute, you were fine, the next, you were stumbling into his drom, looking as if you had been hit by the night bus. He let out a sigh as he examined your hand. ‘We should go to Madam Pomfrey,’ he muttered, lifting you into his arms once more. As you walked to the hospital wing, he kept glancing over at you. You looked as if you might pass out, and you hadn't said a word since you traipsed into his room. As you were being examined, he sat beside you, holding your hand. After a while, Madam Pomfrey left, and he turned to face you. ‘Can you tell me what happened?’ he asked. You shook your head. In all honesty, you couldn’t remember. ‘I don’t - I don’t know,’ you whispered. ‘Oh love,’ he muttered, pulling you into his arms.

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