Draco Malfoy - Listen To Me

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Summary : You rant to him about school, but he doesn't seem to be listening.

Prompts : “I'm sorry, what were you saying, I keep getting lost in your eyes.” , “You’re cute when you’re mad

TW : none

Word count : 580

You storm into Draco’s dorm, slamming the door behind you. Draco looks up with a smirk.
‘Afternoon, miss Doorslammer, how are you today?’ His voice was soft and smooth, like silk, and it made you forget your anger for a second.

Just a second though.

‘You won’t believe what happened in class today,’ you ranted, sitting beside him and turning him to face you.
His face lit up when he saw you, and he giggled, covering his mouth with his hand;.
You raised your eyebrow at him questioningly.

‘Is something funny, my love?’ you asked, sitting back and crossing your arms over your chest in mock anger.

‘No. you’re just so cute when you’re mad.’ he said smoothly, grinning crookedly when you blushed and turned away.

‘Awe, is my baby flustered?’ he teased, watching the blush spread further.

‘Shut up,’ you whispered, failing to force away your grin.

He smiled and cupped your face with his hands. Leaning over, he kissed you softly, pulling back as slowly as possible.

‘So, don’t let me interrupt your story, darling, what’s got you so worked up this evening?’
Putting his pen down and folding his papers, he smirked as you began talking, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back in his chest. .

Ignoring the way he smirked at you, you began your story,
‘I was studying in class, like you do, and someone tapped on my shoulder.’
Draco nodded, placing his hand under his chin and looking into your eyes.

‘Of course, it was Blaise, and he handed me a note.’ you paused and looked over at Draco, who’s eyes were fixed on yours, never moving from your gaze.

‘It was asking me about last night.’ Draco raised an eyebrow, knowing what you and him got up to in the nights. ‘So, naturally, I sent a note back.’
Draco nodded, his smirk spreading. You had an inkling that he wasn't listening to you, but you carried on, nonetheless. 

‘Then, that bastard Snape caught me handing it back to Blaise and forced me to read it to the whole class. The whole class Draco! The whole class knows what we did last night!’

He was nodding along to what you were saying, but his expressions hadn’t changed. He was still smiling, and he didn’t look even partially fazed by your news.

‘Hello? Draco?’ you waved your hand in front of his face, and he blinked, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

‘I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.’

Your hand dropped to your sides and you turned away. Your grin was obvious to anyone a mile away.
Your hand covered your mouth and a deep red streaked across your cheeks

Draco sat back again, smirking. He knew what he was doing. He always knew what he was doing.

Now, your story has been completely forgotten.
‘Wow, love, you’re really flustered today,’ he whispered, leaning closer.
When he was only inches away from your ear, he lowered his voice, to a low, gravelly sound and continued speaking.

‘I heard your story, love, and I was thinking, now that the whole school will most likely know what we get up to, how about we keep up our reputation?’

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