Draco Malfoy - Bruises

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Summary : even as a witch, it isn’t safe after dark

Prompts : “No… no… we are going home, right now.” , “Where did all those bruises come from?”

TW : violence

Word count : 1250

The sun was setting.
The moon rose in the sky, casting silver light on anything in its reach. Thousands of stars were twinkling against the night sky, something bright to contrast the darkness, to light peoples' way when they are lost. Some children sat at their bedroom windows, staring in awe at the sky, when what they should be doing was sleeping. The wind blew and rustled the trees, which were bathed in silver moonlight. The moon was surrounded with a thin mist, and when you looked closely, it would shine and shimmer like a rainbow.

The stones underneath your feet were irregular and bumpy, and your shoes clicked rhythmically on the stone as you walked.

Although you have walked these parts many times, in the dark, things were different. The night made shadows darker, and the buildings loomed over you.
The only light was a hat from the moon, and the occasional street lamp scattered around the path.

To your right, a patch of greenery was lit by a sliver of pale glow, illuminating the thin blades of grass that quivered against the wind.

You walked in peace, heading to the library, where you agreed you and Draco would meet.
Your bag swung by your side, softly tapping your waist every time you took a step.

After a few moments, you heard something. The sound of footsteps behind you, moving in time to your nonchalant steps.

For a while, you ignored them. It was a city; there were bound to be people around you. Just because they were behind you didn't mean they meant any trouble.
That was until the footsteps quickened. You felt yourself stiffen. You didn’t want to be paranoid everytime you were out, but it was dark, and in the dark, things were more dangerous, more risky.

You gripped the handle of your bag, focusing your gaze on the street in front of you. Your walking didn’t slow, but your steps wavered. You were trying to guess whether the person following you had an intention, but you couldn’t quite pull yourself to turn around.

Then, something happened. You felt a hand grip your waist and pull you around. You gasped as you spun around. You were faced with a man. He was tall; taller and stronger than you, although you hated to admit it.

He smirked and you shrank back.
‘Get your hands off me,’ you said, causing all you had in you to keep your voice steady.
‘You look gorgeous,’ the man slurred, and you could smell the alcohol on his breath.

‘Get away from me.’
You twisted from his grip and he scowled. As you started walking, you heard him following you.
You felt his hand grip your arm once more and you grimaced.

As you turned to yell at him, you felt a hand clamp over your mouth. Your eyes widened. You thrashed against his grip as he pushed you against the wall.

You thought that, at that moment, everything was over.
He would touch you, he would… do things you could never have imagined. You knew he would leave you scarred.

You closed your eyes, breathing in sharply. But his touch never arrived. Instead, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. You doubled over, groaning in pain.

He wasn’t going to touch you, you knew that now. He was going to leave you, bleeding in that alley.

Time moved slowly, like you were frozen in this situation. You didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t cry out for help.

Eventually, the attacks stopped, and the man left. Your knees buckled, and you slid against the wall.
Your head dropped and your eyes closed.

You felt yourself drift in and out of consciousness, until you gave up, allowing the black hole of darkness envelope you, wrapping you in a blanket of discomfort.


Draco was walking.
He was supposed to have met you half an hour ago, and since you hadn't called him, saying you were going to be late, he was beginning to worry.

He knew what path you were going to take, so he took the route, keeping alert for any sounds.

He felt a chill down his spine as he neared an alleyway, and saw you, slumped against a wall. His pace quickened to a run, and he knelt beside you.

You had blood trickling down your face, and bruises along your arms. Your clothes were ripped and shredded. Your eyelids fluttered open and you shrank back, whimpering.

‘Hey, hey, hey, I’m here, it’s okay.’ Draco hushed, as he rubbed his thumb against your cheek.
‘What the hell happened, love?’ His tone was not calm, and you both knew it.

Where did all these bruises come from? What’s going on?’
‘D-Draco - I-I don’t know-’ tears were pricking your eyes, and your breathing was unsteady.

Draco took a deep breath. He was scared, angry and confused, but so were you, and you were the one in pain, so he needed to stay calm, for you.

‘Love, it’s all going to be okay, you’re safe now.’
You fell forwards, landing in his open arms. He kissed the top of your head and brushed away your hair.

You winced in pain, pulling away.
‘It- it hurts,’ you whimpered.
No…’ Draco trailed off, losing all sense of calm as you drifted out of consciousness.
‘No… we are going home, right now.’

He lifted you into his arms, trying to ignore how limp you were, and apparated to your house.


He had called a healer, and she had arrived as soon as possible, to see you, lying on the sofa, your arm hanging limply off the edge, eyes closed, chest rising as falling weakly.

‘Please,’ Draco said, standing up, ‘can you help her?’

The healer glanced at you, kneeling on the floor beside you. She nodded, gesturing for him to leave the room.

‘Give me an hour,’ she said, as Draco nodded and left the room, glancing behind his shoulder at you, praying to Merlin you were going to make it.


Time passed, feeling as if each second was an hour, and Draco sat at the kitchen table, bouncing his leg up and down. Two panic attacks had already occurred, and his eyes were red and puffy.

He wanted to kill however had laid hands on you, and he knew, if there was any way of finding out, he would, and they would pay.

Then, the door opened, and the healer walked through. She walked to the sink and washed her hands in silence, then spoke up.

‘Your girlfriend should be fine,’ he said, ‘she needs a lot of rest and reassurance.’

Draco nodded.
‘Of course,’ he said, ‘thank you.’

After the healer left, Draco walked into the front room. You were sitting on the sofa, propped up with pillows. You were staring into space, unblinking.

Draco walked over and pulled over a chair.
You jumped from the movement, glancing over.

‘Hi…’ you whispered.
Draco smiled.
‘Hi you,’ he said.

‘Draco I-’
Draco cut you off. ‘I know what you’re going to say, but- this isn’t your fault, in any way. You are so strong to go through that, and I’m here for you, and your recovery.’

You smiled.
He always knew exactly what to say.

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