Cedric Diggory - Kidnapped

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Summary : you get taken by death eaters.

Prompts : “Thank God you’re okay, I thought I’d lost you.” , “I missed you so much.”

TW : kidnapping, blood, anxiety.

Word count : 1450

BANG!! Suddenly, burning, running, screaming, falling, shouting, panicking. People tripping, glass smashing, feet skidding, slipping, sliding. Hands grappling, missing, catching, children screaming, lost, looking. Parents clutching, squeezing, fleeing.

Your knees felt weak, your head hurt, your whole body ached. Your hands were shaking and your breathing was heavy.

You felt someone grip your shoulder, and you spun around in panic.

“Relax, love, it’s just me,” Cedric said. His voice was calm, but you both knew that was a cover of his fear.
If he wasn’t calm, you wouldn’t be, and nothing, nothing could happen to you.

“We need to get out of here,” he spoke, dodging a spell aimed at him and throwing another one back.
Sticking out an arm, he pushed you behind him and cast a hex in a death eaters direction.

“We have to help everyone else!” you argued, ducking as a crucio curse was shot in your direction.

“Darling, I love how selfless you are, but we need to leave!”
“What about the children, Cedric?!” you shot back, watching his face fall.

“Fine! But if anything happens to you-!”
“Nothing will happen, I’ll be fine!”

He nodded, and you both started running towards a huddle of younger children, who were cowering beside each other, whimpering as three death eaters loomed over them.

You aimed a spell at one, who fell backwards into a wall, groaning in pain.
As you reached over to cast another spell, something grabbed your waist from behind and lifted you off your feet.

You screamed and elbowed the person behind you. They dropped you to the floor, and your knees buckled.
You let out a quiet groan of pain and stood up again.

Cedric looked over at you and grabbed your elbow, pulling you to your feet.
“You alright?” he asked, and you nodded quickly.

Looking over his shoulder, you saw a death eater aiming a spell in Cedric’s direction.
You shoved him out of the way, aiming a quick hex in their direction.

“Down!” you yelled, keeping Cedric against the ground, not wanting anything to happen to him.

Then, something grabbed your arm.
You winced at how tightly they were gripping you, and tried pushing them off, but they lifted you from the ground.

Your eyes widened when you came face to face with a death eater, then they hit you hard in the face.

You cried out, wiping your mouth, your hand coming back a dark red.
“y/n!” Cedric cried out, jumping from the ground.

He tried to reach for you, but the death eater pulled back, grabbing you tightly.
He clamped a hand over your mouth and appareted away.

You heard Cedric’s faint yell, then all was darkness.


When you woke, everything was cold.
You shivered and let your head drop against a wall. It was dark, and you could barely see the silhouette of your own fingers.

You shivered, and ran your hands over your arms. Your eyes were watering, and your throat was tight.

You heard footsteps, and then the barred door swung open, clattering against the wall.

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