Harry Potter - Trust

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Summary : after Sirius dies, he finds it hard to trust someone enough to open up.

Prompts : “I’m fine.” “Yeah, people tend to say they’re fine when they’re crying their eyes out.” , “Hold my hand… please?”

TW : loss of a loved one, depression, mentions of e.d.

Word count : 821

It had been a week.
A week since Harry had lost his only father figure, ,the person he looked up to most, asked for advice, trusted and cared for.

It had been a week since he slipped away from you, ignoring you when you asked him how he was. He stopped eating properly, he stopped talking, stopped registering things properly.

You felt as if he was falling apart, his pieces scattering away from you, and you were unable to put him back together.

It was a cold morning in June, the grass damp from the rain the night before, the trees sagging from the weight of the water. There was a thick fog surrounding Hogwarts, shrouding the castle, dulling the light.

Students were pouring out of the great hall, heading to classes, talking loudly and giggling, sharing their stories for the summer holidays.

It was the last day of term, and the children were all preparing for their summer break.
You caught Hermione and Ron talking by the door and you walked up to them.

‘I haven’t spoken to him in days,’ you heard Hermione whisper, watching Ron’s face fall.
‘I tried to get him to eat, but he refused,’ he said, shaking his head, ‘if he keeps this up, he’s going to pass out.’

‘Well, why don't y/n talk to him?’ Hermione asked, wringing her hands.

‘Because he’s shutting me out,’ you replied sadly, crossing your arms, ‘I haven’t seen him since that night.’

At your own words, you decided it was time to end it. Ignoring Hermione’s replies, you walked off, straight to Harry’s dorm.

As you approached the room, you heard crying. Your heart broke. He was just a boy. Just a fifteen year old boy, like everyone else in his year, he didn’t deserve to go through all this. He already lost his parents, his friend. He already had so many responsibilities. He couldn’t take it anymore. He was falling apart.

You sighed and knocked on the door. After a moment, the crying ceased, and the door opened.
At the sight of your boyfriend, your heart broke even more. His eyes were red and puffy, and he had dark circles underneath them. His hands were shaking and his breathing was unsteady. His shirt was damp, and it was clear he hadn’t eaten in days. His skin was pale and you could see his bones through his wrist.

‘Oh, Harry,’ you whispered, stepping into his room.
Tears filled his eyes again, but he brushed them off.
‘I’m fine,’ he said. ‘Yeah, people tend to say they’re fine when they’re crying their eyes out,’ you muttered, watching tears falling down his cheeks once again.

‘Harry.... I want to help you, please, let me help you.’
He shook his head. He didn’t need help, he told himself, everyone who helped him died, and you couldn’t die, he couldn’t lose you.

‘I don’t need help, you can go,’ he said dryly.
‘I’m not leaving you,’ you shot back, sitting beside him. You reached for his hand, but he pulled away.

‘Hold my hand… please?’ you asked softly. After a moment, he nodded, reaching over to grab your fingers. His shoulders slumped and his body shook with sobs.

‘I miss him so much,’ he choked out through broken gasps. You wrapped your hands around his shoulders and pulled him into your chest.
‘I know, I know you do, but please, you need to eat. I’m so, so sorry you lost him, but there are people wanting to help you. Your friends are worried for your health, Harry, please, eat something.’

His crying stopped and he pulled away. You kissed his forehead and wiped his tears with your thumb.

‘Please,’ you whispered.
He nodded. ‘Can we.. eat here? I don’t fancy talking to anyone.’
‘Of course we can, love, I’ll be back in just a minute,’ you replied, leaving his dorm to go get food.

On your way back up, Hermione grabbed your hands. ‘How is he?’ she asked worriedly, twisting her rings between her fingers.
‘He’s agreed to eat… so what’s something.’
She nodded and smiled faintly, off to tell Ron.

You entered Harry’s room, placing the tray down. He smiled at you. A cracked, broken smile, but a smile nonetheless.

‘Thank you,’ he whispered.
‘You’re welcome Harry, I love you.’

‘I love you too,’ he said quietly, ‘so much.’


Hi everyone!

Sorry for posting so late again! This last chapter hurt to make 😭

How are you all?
Give me requests in the comments.
Should I give you all new prompts?

Have a lovely day

S ❤️

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