Harry Potter - Fever

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Summary : You wake up sick, and Harry jumps into action

Prompts : “It's alright, I've got you.” , “Holy shit, you're burning up.” , “Take a deep breath, darling.”

TW : emetophobia

Word count : 1268

The window was open, and a cool morning breeze drifted into the room of your flat. The sun peeked through the white curtains, the birds chirping outside the window. Clouds gathered in the sky above, and Harry could tell it was about to rain.

After the war, you and Harry moved into your own place. It was a roomy apartment, with a large kitchen, a living room with two big sofas, and a TV in the middle of the room. There were two bedrooms, though one was just used for guests. The bedroom you and Harry stayed in was roomy, with a double bed, it’s own bathroom, equipped with a shower and bath, a large desk for working on, and a walk-in wardrobe.

Harry and you decided to stay in the middle of London, as you both enjoyed the excited buzz of voices, and the commotion of traffic outside. There were large glass windows in your house, overlooking the Thames, sparkling and rippling under the morning sun.

Harry climbed out of bed and closed the window, and just as well, as small droplets of water were already forming on the clear glass. Harry glanced at you, sprawled under the covers of the bed and chuckled slightly. You always slept in the strangest positions.

He bent down to plant a kiss on your forehead, but as soon as his lips met with your skin, he frowned and pulled back. He noticed how you were sweating and pale, and how your breath came out in short wheezes. He noticed your flushed cheeks and watery eyes, shaking hands and restless movements.

He placed a hand on your shoulder and gently shook you, muttering your name until your eyes batted open. The moment your eyes opened, you winced and shrank backwards, closing them again and throwing your head under the duvet, letting out a groan.

‘Harry,’ you muttered, keeping your eyes closed as you crawled out from the covers.
‘I know, love, you’re sick.’ he sighed and sat beside you, pulling your body up so you could lean on his shoulder.
‘But you picked the perfect day to be; I’m off work today.’ He smiled as you forced a weak nod and let your hands drop to your sides.

You let out a cough, scratchy, like brambles, and you winced. Harry winced too. He hated seeing you in pain, especially when he knew he couldn’t do anything to stop it. You sighed, a few annoyed tears escaping your eyes. You wiped them away before Harry could notice and stood.

Your steps were shaky as you walked to the dresser and pulled open a drawer. Wordlessly, you pulled off your shirt and replaced it with one of Harry’s, loose and long, reaching your knees.

You were somehow burning hot and freezing at the same time, and you shivered slightly. Harry walked over and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.

‘I’m going to make you honey and lemon, darling, I’ll be right back.’ He left the room, closing the door behind him, and you soon heard his footsteps fading away into the kitchen.

You sighed. You were an independent woman, and you stood proud in that, but when you were sick, all thoughts of that disappeared. Harry, of course, loved that. Ever since he was child, he had no one to take care of, and the same went the other way, but with you, he felt as if he was keeping you safe, and he loved that feeling.

The door opened once more, and Harry entered, a cup of steaming tea in his hands. He passed it to you, and you nodded in thanks, taking a long sip.

‘This is amazing, Harry,’ you muttered. Your voice was scratchy and weak, but Harry smiled anyway.
‘It is? Great.’ He reached up his palm and placed the back of it to your forehead. His eyes widened and he pulled away quickly.

‘Holy shit, you're burning up.’ His eyebrows creased and he grabbed your hand. You had begun to feel weak, and you had to reach out for Harry’s shoulders to steady yourself. Your breathing was heavy and you let your head drop into the crook of Harry’s neck.

He put an arm around your waist and lifted you up, so your legs wrapped around his torso. As he walked to the bed, you had the sudden urge to be sick. You uncurled yourself from his grip and ran shakily to the bathroom, throwing the toilet lid open and leaning over.

As Harry followed you, he heard you throwing up in the toilet, and had to swallow and force himself to step forward. He rubbed slow, grounding circles on your upper back. After a few moments, you finished emptying the contents of your stomach, you let out a quiet groan and leaned into Harry’s chest, closing your eyes and wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.

Tears were escaping your eyes and you let out a quiet sobs.
‘Hey, it’s alright, darling, I’ve got you.’ Harry’s voice whispered, his hands rubbing up your arms.
‘I feel horrible,’ you muttered, your shaking hands wiping your eyes.

‘I know, love, but I’m going to help you. You’ll be feeling better by the end of tomorrow.’
‘Tomorrow?’ You chuckled slightly. He was always so overprotective of you when you were sick.

He slipped his hands on either side of your waist and picked you up, wrapping your legs around his torso.
He laid you on the bed and kissed the top of your head, wiping away your tears with his thumb.

‘Do you want me to run you a bath, darling? It’ll help your headache.’
You nodded, forcing a weak smile.
‘Thanks, Harry,’ you muttered, as he walked into the bathroom. You heard the faint running of water and then he walked out again. He sighed sympathetically, walking over and placing his palm on your forehead.

‘Love, you’re seriously hot right now.’
‘Thanks for the compliment,’ you muttered with a chuckle.
‘No, I mean your temperature, you’ve got a fever.’ He shook his head with a light laugh. ‘Why do you never stay serious in any situation?’ he mocked.
‘What? I’m not dying-’ at that exact moment, you cut yourself off by a fit of coughs.

Tight, wracking coughs shook your body and you doubled over. You clutched at your chest and shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the coughs that wouldn’t seem to leave your body. 

Harry was by your side in seconds, rubbing your back and pulling you onto his lap.

‘Hey, take a deep breath, darling, it’s okay now.’ Your head rested on his chest and you forced yourself to take a deep breath.

‘I hate this,’ you whispered, wrapping your arms around him.
‘I know, I wish I could do something.’

He kissed your temple and rubbed your back. ‘Why don’t you take a bath, I’ll be here when you’re done.’


Sure enough, twenty minutes later, you stepped out of the bathroom, one of Harry’s shirts thrown over your figure, a light smile on your face.
You smiled as you saw Harry and he smiled back.
‘See, you’re looking better already.’

He walked over to you and kissed your neck, making a deliberate effort to linger against your skin. He could feel you blushing, and he chuckled.

‘Even when you’re sick you’re gorgeous.’

The next chapter will be NSFW ;)

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