Robin Buckley - Saviour

1.8K 7 6

Summary : you save Robin’s life in the Upside Down. But endure some serious injuries.

TW : angst and swearing , and stranger things season four spoilers lol

(a Stranger Things one shot requested by a wonderful human <3. Sorry if the timeline’s not entirely correct lol, I also changed the plot a bit. I also don’t know how old they are, but you’re around their age (probably 20 something lol )

( short side note : I know this isn’t Harry Potter, but if any of you have requests that are outside the hp fandom, let me know x )

Word Count : 1.5k

You had never seen a world so cold, so drained of colour.

It was as if some invisible force had sucked all the life and happiness from the world, and all that was left was a dull, grey tapestry of fear and illusion.

You shivered. You hated this. This whole thing. From the moment you, Robin, Steve and Dustin discovered the Russians in starcourt mall, to where you were now, in the depths of the Upside Down, everything had been a rollercoaster of emotions and danger, and although you were grateful for the bonds that had surfaced with the adventures, you didn’t exactly love risking your life every few months.

Beside you, Robin let out a trembling breath. You and Robin were closest out of your group of unlikely friends. You and her had an immediate bond, and she was probably your favourite person to ever exist.

You and her shared a very terrified look. Steeve muttered a trail of curses under his breath, Nancy’s eyes were wide, and Eddie seemed to be shaking in fear.

You swallowed. You weren’t ready for the experience that was about to unfold itself upon you, you knew that.

Here, heartbeats were footsteps. Shadows were pythons, or monsters with four eyes and claws like razors. Any sounds were threatening, any movement dangerous.

The house was rickey and smelt of mould and rotten wood. The floorboards creaked and splintered, the ceiling looked like it was about to cave in at any second, adn in the middle of the room was a light.

A working light, pulsing with rays of golden hope.


‘I can’t believe that worked!’ You were almost yelling, as the five of you approached a pile of rusted bikes, cold and greyed with … age? You weren’t sure.

‘We’re going to be fine,’ Robin breathed. She picked up a bike and winked at you.

‘Saddle up.’


Why couldn’t everything just have stayed like that? Why did things have to take a turn for the worst? Nobody said a word as you cycled to Eddie's trailer - or rather, Eddie’s … other trailer.

All was silence, until you heard it. The sounds of shrieks and the thundering of too many wings. Your eyes widened.

‘Is it-?’ Your question was answered by a huge flock of whatever you had encountered upon arrival heading straight for you. Robin and Nancy both let out shrieks of surprise and annoyance, as the midnight bats lurched towards you.

Robins bike skidded out of the way, the both of you tumbling off it in a futile attempt to dodge an attack. You heard another bicycle crash to the ground and you looked up, wincing. Steve had reared in front Nancy, blocking her from another angry creature.

She gave him a nod of thanks, and that was when you saw it. Coming straight towards you and Robin, a large, midnight-black creature, sweeping forward in the air.

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