Charlie Weasley - Dizzy

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Summary : you pass out in his arms.

Prompts : "I'm going to pass out now, could you please catch me?"

TW : None.

Word count : 772

Your head hurt and your eyes stung.
Your steps were shaky and small.
You were clutching onto Charlie's hand so tightly your knuckles were white.

He frowned at you and stopped walking.
"Everything okay?" he asked, bending down to your hight. You nodded, but your movements were slowed and delayed, as if you were underwater. His eyes narrowed and his rubbed his knuckles across you face.
You didn't react, but instead stared blankly at him.

After a couple of moments, you nodded. "I'm fine," you whispered, letting go of his hand and continuing to walk. He caught up with you in three rides, wrapping an arm around your waist. Everything seemed dulled.

Your eyes were blurry, and you could barely see the path in front of you. Your ears rang, but at the same time, blocked out all sound. You felt as if your head was underwater, and you could only hear the murmered whispers of the world above you.
Your hands were now gripping each other, tightly. Your knuckles had turned white, and the tips of your fingers were a bright red. Your mouth was dry and pasty, as if you haven't drunk in a week. You could smell the faint aroma of cinamon, Charlie's senct. He always smelt of spices. It was comforting, and it always grounded you.
Your movents were slow, as if you were wadng through a lake, ristricting your movements to a minimum.

Charlie's hand tighned around your waist. His fingers gripped your side, his touch grounding you. He stopped walking and pulled you to the side. Beside him, somone cast a worried look in your direction. They softened their eyes and gave you a sympathetic smile. You frowned. You didn't look that bad, did you?

Charlie answered that question for you, as his index finger gently lifted up your chin to face him.
"You're pale as a sheet, darling, what's going on?'' he asked quietly. His voice was soft and smooth, like molasses. God's, you loved his voice.
"Nothing's going on, love, I just feel a little dizzy is all." you tried, but even you knew how weak your voice was. It rasped and shook, and Charlie recognized it immediately. It wavered slightly, like the ending notes of a violin, and you sighed.

"Let's sit shall we?" he asked, and you nodded, allowing him to guide you to a seat, where he rubbed small, grounding circles on your back.
"Charlie,'' your whisperig voice said.
"Yes, my love?" he replied.

''I'm going to pass out now... could you please catch me?''
That was the last thing you said, before you limp body fell into his open arms. Panic flashed on his face, but then it disappeared, like breath from glass, and he returned to his calm, composed self.

''Hey, it's okay now, you're okay.'' he was aware that you couldn't hear him. He was aware of people staring at the both of you, casting worried, skeptical and curious looks in your direction. He was aware of how you hadn't had enough to eat or drink, and how bright the sun was glaring down at you. But he didn't care. Of all of those things, the only thing that meant to him was making sure you were a comfortable position. He sat back and pulled with him, leaning your head on his shoulder. He kissed the side of your head and tucked stray strands of hair behind your ear.

You were so beautiful, even when you were asleep.
He wasn't scared or worried anymore. He knew you wake up eventually, and there was nothing he could do to speed it up, he was in no hurry.


When you did wake up, Charlie's head was resting against your and his hands were folded on top of your limp ones.
You nudged him a little, and his eyes opened. He smiled at you warmly, holding your shoulders and sitting you into a better position.
"How do you feel, angel?" he whispered, watching your facial expressions deeply.
"Better, thanks, baby," you replied with a quiet chuckle, realised he hadn't moved you from your position on the bench.

''You recalled stayed here this whole time?" you asked gingerly, and he chuckled dryly.
"Of course, darling, I had to make sure you were a comfortable position."

You blushed, a deep slash of crimson staining your cheeks. "Thanks,'' you muttered quietly.
He intertwined his fingers with your and kissed the side of your head.

"Anything for you, beautiful.''

Hi everyone!
I hope you're all okay! I just wanted to say a couple things :}

Firstly, thank you all SO SO MUCH for the support. I've just seen that my story is no.1 in the
#writingprompts! I never thought this would happen, so thank you all SO SO MUCH.

Second, I'm really sorry about all my late uploads, on my TikTok as well.
I've been a little unhappy with my writing lately, and I want to make videos and stories as good as possible for you.

I'm going for quality not quantity, and so my uploads may be later than you'd all hope. I just want to make enjoyable to read for all of you.

That being said, what do you all think of the style of writing in this one? I've changed it up, so the description is more detailed.

Third, I have some exciting news that I'm going to be announcing on my TikTok : @harrypotter.reactions
I'm really excited to tell you all and I hope you're as excited as me :)

Fourth : I wrote this story in the middle of a field lol. Not that important information, but I thought it was kinda cute.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter loves!

S ❤️

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