Fred Weasley - Don't Hurt Me

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Summary : when arguing with Fred, you recall a painful history with your ex.

Prompts : “Love, I’m right here.” “Shh, it’s okay.”

TW : Mentions of abuse, anxiety.

Word count : 876

“WILL YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME FRED?!!” You yelled, throwing your hands up in exhaustion.

He sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes, frustration filling him.
“What do you WANT?!” he snapped, stepping closer to you aggressively.
“You have to stop doing this! You’re putting too many people at risk for the sake of your own entertainment.”

He sighed again.
You were right, and he knew that. But he was stubborn, and he wouldn’t let you finish the argument without getting his point across.

“Listen, I’m sorry you’re too stiff to have fun, but-”
“Excuse me?!” you cut off, bridging the gap between the two of you.
“What did you just say?!”

His eyes narrowed slightly, his anger taking control of him.
“I said you’re a stuck up,” he started, and before you could answer, he continued talking. “You don’t know what you’re talking about y/n, you’re being stupid. I wouldn’t hurt anybody on purpose, I’m not dumb.”

You roll your eyes at his last words and cock your head to the side, as if challenging his statement.

“Ugh! You make things so difficult sometimes!”
He threw his hands in the air, so close to your face, you felt the air moving around you.

You took a small step back, only now noticing how he was towering over you, his arms thrown up.

He wouldn't hit you….surely he wouldn’t hit you.

“Fred,” you said, a lot quieter than you’d hoped.
“NO Y/N, YOU NEED TO LISTEN!” he rambled, taking a dangerous step closer.

“You need to listen, y/n,” you remembered your ex saying, “you don’t want another bruise now, do you?”

You gulped instinctively, slowly edging away from Fred. except you didn’t see Fred in front of you.
You saw your ex, and you were terrified of your ex.

“Fred,” you whispered again, but again, he didn’t catch on to your fear, stepping towards you.
“Where are you going, y/n?! We’re not finished!”

That was it. Those were the words to set you off. Those were the words your ex said, right before he lifted his arm to make contact with your cheek.

Without another word, you ran to the bathroom, throwing yourself behind the door, locking it and sliding down, holding your knees close to your chest.
You were breathing heavily from fear, and you almost didn’t notice Fred's voice, a lot softer and calmer than before.
“Y/n, y/n, baby, why’d you hide?”

“Please don’t,” you murmur, shrinking away from the door as you heard him rummage around for his wand.
“Don’t what?” he asked, his voice laced with worry.

“Don’t hit me. I didn’t mean to talk back like that.”
Even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew his jaw had dropped open. “What?” he asked, his voice barely below a whisper, his tone shaking.

“My ex- me ex used to hit me whenever I talked back. I didn’t mean to, I-I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no, don’t be sorry, love, please, I-I didn’t mean to scare you like that, please, please open the door, baby.”

“You’re not going to hit me?” you ask, and even you can tell how weak your voice was.

“I’d never hit you, my love, I promise.” his voice was slightly muffled from behind the wood, but you knew he was serious.

“Could you…” you hesitated, not wanting him to take it the wrong way, “could you maybe step back from the door a little?”

There was a short silence, in which you hastily tried to take your words back.
“Sorry, I-I didn’t mean that- you don’t have to-”
“No- love don’t- don’t worry. I’ll step back, I promise.”

His words were followed by soft thudding of steps, in which you knew he had taken your request seriously.

“Thank you,” you whispered as you opened the door and stepped out, holding your hands tightly between each other.

“Love, I’m right here. I promise I’m not going to hurt you.”

You nodded slightly, stepping closer a little, your steps shaky and small.
“Can I hold you?” he whispered, his words slowing.

After a moment, you agreed, a small smile appearing on your face as you stepped closer.
“I’m so sorry,” he muttered, pulling you hesitantly into his arms.
After a moment, he felt his shirt dampen from tears, and he gripped you tighter.

"Shh, It's okay."
You don't know how much time passed, but you soon uncurled yourself from his arm.
"Thank you," you whisper, and he looks down at you with a soft smile.

"For what, angel?"

"For not hitting me."

As you looked up at him, tears were sparkling in his eyes.
"Baby, nobody should ever thank anyone for not hitting them. They shouldn't hit their partners in the first place. I'm so sorry you got to that stage, my love, but I swear on my life that I'll never hit you."

His words were a great comfort, and soon, you were once again forcing back tears.
"I love you so much," you breathed, reaching up your arms to wrap around his neck.

"I love you more."

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