Fred Weasley - Liar

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Summary : he told you he’d never love anyone more than you, but he gets a girlfriend and you begin to question that.

( Fred is your brother in this )

Prompts : “I’m fine.” “Yeah, people tend to say they’re fine when they’re crying their eyes out.” , “Are you mad at me?” , “Promise?” “Promise.”

TW : none.

Word count : 954

(A/N : This chapter reminds me of Happier by Olivia Rodrigo, just saying :} )

You were sick of it.
It had been three weeks since your brother had given you so much as a side glance. He was too busy with his new girlfriend, Angelina.

You didn’t have anything against Angelina in general. She was lovely. She was good at Quidditch, she was gorgeous, kind and funny.
But you missed your brother.

You missed the nights when Fred would come to your dorm and tell you his latest plans for pranks, give you sweets he’d stolen, and watch movies with you.

He didn't have to spend all his time with you, you knew that much, he was his own person in the end, but you used to be so close.
You missed him.

George missed him too.
He missed planning pranks with his twin. He missed causing trouble or joking around with Malfoy.

But he knew he couldn’t do anything to stop Fred's actions.
Fred was allowed to do what he wanted, and he wasn’t expected to spend the rest of his days with his siblings, but even a few hours would be enough.

He was happy though, you told yourself at night, he and Angelina. They both looked happy together. They would smile and laugh, joke around, make out in corridors.

They were perfect for each other, but you still missed him. You had every right to miss him. You and your siblings were very close, but Fred and George always treated you best. Apart from Ginny of course, but she was younger than you. Not by much, just a year, but still. Fred and George were always the ones you went to for advice. They were always the ones who comforted you or beat your stupid ex.

But now it was only George. And you loved George. You really did. Nothing could ever change that.
But still, you missed Fred.

One afternoon, you were walking back from class, your feet moving rhythmically on the cobbles underneath you, when you heard voices. They were laughing, a few short, high pitched giggled, followed by a deep chuckle. 

Fred and Angelina.

You sighed, you didn’t fancy seeing them at that moment, but it was the only way to your dorm. Walking past the couple, who were now kissing, Fred’s hand on Angelina’s waist, while his other rested on her cheek, you sighed again.

They were cute together, you had to admit it. You turned and walked past them, keeping your head down so that they didn’t notice you.

They did.

‘Hey, y/n,’ Angelina said, pulling away for a moment. Fred turned slowly and smiled at you. ‘Hi,’ you replied, before turning away and walking back to your dorm.

‘What’s up with her?’ you heard Fred whisper, causing tears to sparkle in your eyes.
‘Isn’t it obvious?’ Angelina whispered back, ‘you’re ignoring her.’

You scoffed quietly, failing to suppress your tears.
Your walk turned into a slow run as you made your way from Fred. you slammed the door to your dorm and slid down the wall, ignoring the knocking that was now coming from the other side of your wall.

Your sobs echoed in your empty room, loud, broken sobs that seemed to never end. You heard the door open, close, then a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and looked up.

It was Fred. his eyes softened and he gave you a half hearted smile.

‘I’m fine.’ you said, before he could speak.
‘Yeah, people tend to say they’re fine when they’re crying their eyes out.’

That didn’t help. You just cried further, dropping your head into your knees.

‘Hey, hey, what’s going on? Are you mad at me?’

That did it. You looked up, glaring at him through teary eyes. ‘Of course I’m mad at you, Fred,’ you muttered, ‘you ignored me for a month!’

Fred’s eyebrows creased. He didn’t realise it had been that long. He was just having so much fun with Angelina, he didn’t realise how much time had passed.

A wave of guilt washed over him when he remembered that he hadn’t spoken to Goerge for the same amount of time either. George. His twin. His best friend. He’d ignored the most important people to him. 

‘y/n, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise what I was doing. I’m so sorry.’
‘You just ignored me and George for a whole month Fred. we missed you.’
‘I know, and I’m sorry,’ he whispered, pulling your head into his chest. He rubbed up and down your arms and picked you, sitting you on the bed so you had a comfier position. You sniffed and wiped your eyes with your sleep.

‘Sorry, I know you have a life, you don’t need to be babying me, I’m just getting in the way of your life.’
‘No Y/n, don’t think that. I love you, I just- I love Angie too, you understand.’

You nodded and smiled weakly.
‘You’re not going to ignore me anymore?’ you asked quietly.
‘No, I’m not.’

‘Promise?’ your tone was hopeful, and he smiled.

A/N :
Hi everyone!

This is the last of the old prompt list stories, and I'm currently working on the new ones.

Thank you to everyone who requested!

I'm away this weekend but I'll try and get some chapters out as soon as possible.

S ❤️

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