Cho Chang - Forever And Always

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Summary : Cho knew you were the one, she only wished you felt the same.

Prompts : "Here, have my jacket.", "Will you marry me?"

TW : none

Word count : 643

(You are a weasley in this.)

You knew something was up when she asked you on a walk that night. Her voice was shaking, though she forced a smile and held out her hand. You thought of the worse.
From the tone of her voice, it sounded as if she was planning on ending things with you.

But you were in love with her.
Madly, hopelessly in love.

She was your rock, your comforting arms, your strong oak tree in the swirling storm that was your own thoughts.

When you looked at her, all your worries, doubts, fears, melted away, as quickly and smoothly as breath evaporating from glass.

When she spoke, you felt as if an angel was singing to you.
And not to mention she was gorgeous.

As you stepped out the door, Cho closing it heavily behind you, you had the feeling something was going to happen, and it was either going to be terrible or absolutely fantastic.

Cho took your hand and squeezed it, smiling widely at you. You smiled back, ignoring the doubts creeping into your mind.

The walk she took you on was beautiful. The sun was setting casting a pale auburn light on the rippling lake. The light clouds glowed pink and a few brightening stars pricked lik needles against the sky.

The grass quivered against the light breeze, and to your left, the lake rippled and waved.

Cho led you to the edge of the water, where you stood, watching birds glide above its surface.

After a moment, you shivered and rubbed your hands up your arms.
'You cold, love?' Cho asked, already pulled off her jacket as you nodded.
'Here, take my jacket. It looks better on you anyway.'

You smiled, leaning up to kiss her cheek. For a moment, you stood in peaceful silence, your head rested on her shoulder, fingers intertwined, until Cho broke it with a small cough and a smile.

'Y/n,' she started, 'I've been thinking.'
You nodded, pulling away.
'About?' you asked trying to mask the panic from your tone.

There was another long pause.

'I... Erm... I went out last night.'
You raised an eyebrow, ignoring the doubts that forced themselves unwillingly into your mind.
'I went to see your parents.'

'What? Why?'
Cho cleared her throat.
'Y/n, I love you. I love you so much. You turn my world. You're my rock, my beauty, my forever. I wish nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to start a family with you. I want to go on endless dates, fly in hot air balloons, send our children to Hogwarts. I want a life with you,
Y/n, my love.'

Tears were sparkling in both your eyes, and as you moved to wipe then away, Cho moved to one knee. You let out a choked gasp ad her hands moved to her pocket, then pulled out a box and opened it.

The ring caught the pale yellow moonlight and glinted into the night. You gasped loudly, covering your face with your hands.

It was gorgeous, and fresh tears brimmed in your eyes

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It was gorgeous, and fresh tears brimmed in your eyes.

'Cho...' you whispered.

'Y/n Weasley,' Cho said, her voice shaky and tears fell down her cheeks.
'Will you marry me?'

You nodded aggressivly, bending down to pull her into a hug. Your arms wrapped around ber neck and she nuzzled her head into your chest.

As she slipped the ring on your finger, you grinned and kissed her roughly.

'I love you so much!' you called, grabbing her hand and running back to the house.

'I love you too,' she replied.

'Forever and always.'


Sorry this one is so short! And I'm really sorry about my late updates.

I promise I'm trying!

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