Bill Weasley - Night Terrors

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Summary : you're still recovering from the trauma of the Battle of Hogwarts


Prompts, “I know you’re scared, but you need to breathe for me.” , “Shh, it was just a dream. Just a dream, okay?” , “Promise?” “promise.”

TW : death, blood, pain, war, anxiety, panic attacks.

Word count : 576  __________________________________

It was cold.
The wind thrashed angrily against your face, the rain trailing down your cheeks, though by this point you couldn’t tell if it was the rain anymore.

There was a sudden, gut wrenching scream, and you whipped your head round, fear alighting in your eyes.
You saw Bill, crouching over in pain, his hand wrapped around his waist.

You stepped closer, and your mouth dropped open in disbelief.
He was bleeding.

A lot.

Blood was spilling from in between his fingertips, and dropping hopelessly onto the broken stone floor, his eyes were squeezed shut, his knees trembling as he dropped to the floor.
There was a large knife in his side, digging into his gashing cut.

“Bill!” you cried, rushing forward, kneeling beside him and gently cupping his face with your hand.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his words laced with pain, “I didn’t mean for this to- ahh- I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“No, no, don’t say this, love, you’re going to be okay,” you tried, tilting his face towards you.

He wasn’t going to be okay, and you both knew it.

He smiled weakly, carefully grabbing your hand, wincing at every move.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered again, before closing his eyes and falling limp to the floor.”

“No!” you screamed, lurching upwards in your bed, grabbing your chest and your breathing escalated.
You felt the covers shift beside you, but you couldn’t turn your head.

You felt your chest tightening, your hands become shaky as they covered your mouth.
Tears were spilling from your eyes, burning wobbly tracks onto your cheeks.

“Hey, hey, love, it’s okay, I’m right here,” Bill whispered, wrapping his arms around your shaking figure, however you quickly pushed him off, not wanting to be touched in that moment.

“Sorry,” you murmured, but he was quick to comfort you. “You don’t have to apologise love, I get it.”
His words were comforting, but you still hadn’t stopped shaking, your breath was catching in your throat, turning into hoarse gasps.

Shh, it was just a dream. Just a dream. None of it was real.” he continued, shuffling slightly closer to you, not wasting to startle you as your breathing got worse and worse.

“Love, I know you’re scared, but you need to breathe for me, okay?” Bill urged, hesitantly reaching for your hand, only touching you when you nod tiredly.

You gripped his fingers, your knuckles turning white as they curled around him.
He tried to hide how tightly you were holding his hand, and he smiled at you instead, kissing the side of your head, his lips lingering on your skin.

After what felt like hours, your breathing finally regulated, your hands stopped shaking and your tears slowed. You took a deep, trembling breath and leant into Bill's chest, closing your eyes.

“Do you want to tell me what happened, baby?” he whispered, speaking calmly so as not to set you off.

“It was about the war- I-I saw you die,” at your words, tears threatened to spill before you hastily blinked them back.

“Hey, it’s okay. I'm right here, darling, I’m never leaving you.”

“Promise?” you asked with a tired smile, tilting your head up to look at him.


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