She knew what it was immediately.

Dr. vall was a scientist after all. She loved the subject, and xenobiology was her guilty pleasure. She would recognize the humanizing phenomena anywhere, and with how integrated it seemed to be into this young Vrul's pattern of behavior, there were only a few options for what remained. Some might have called her deductions clever, she found that they weren't clever so much as obvious once you took the time to discard anything that was impossible or didn't make sense.

She turned where she floated in mid- air.

"I am going to assume you haven't come to hurt me/ As I certainly hope is the case?"

The young Vrul stepped further into the room, and Vall would have been remiss if she didn't admit her surprise when two others followed. Based on relative height the three Vrul were the same age, and, to her surprise, based on their antennae, eye shape and a few other markers, they were also from the same incubation period. No.... it went further than that, not only had they been born at the same time, but she would have bet that these three were from the same batch of eggs inseminated by the same genetic donor.

Siblings, that was the word for it.

Funny that she even had that word in her vocabulary considering that Vruls didn't look at birthing that way, but the existence of the word in their language proved that, at some time there had been a use for it. That word was one of the original reasons that she had almost lost her job so many years ago.

She had been in contact with a nonlinguistics expert at one point in time, and they had discussed the odd coincidence of certain phrases and words in the Vrul vocabular that had no right to exist as they did not pertain to the way life worked on the Vrul homeworld. At the end of the conversation she had suggested that maybe life hadn't always existed the way they thought it had and for whatever the reason those words had been important at one time.

She tried looking into the subject, but before she knew it her linguistics friend had been terminated and her sanity had been called into question by the bord of quality control.

"You are not supposed to be here." She said to the young Vrul who had not yet bothered to ask her question.

The dappled one at the front tilted it's head at her in a distinctly un-Vrul expressions of curiosity, "No we aren't here to kill you, yes we aren't supposed to be here, but I think you will want to hear what we have come to tell you."

She continued to float I the same place. She didn't think that the newcomers were dangerous, but she wasn't interested in finding out too soon. She had a few theories.

"Who are you."

"I am Atropos, this is Clotho and that is Lachesis, we are the intentional offspring of Dr. Krill and Dr. Riss."

She could certainly have guessed their first parent, but the second was a little more surprising. The council had claimed that Dr. Riss died in some sort of accident, or at least that is what they had said to the general population, the part of the population that did not have access to intergalactic news.

She had known better.

"We are proof that the council has been lying to you all along. They are intentionally interrupting the breeding cycle of our species to create Deltas gammas betas and Alphas to control the population and keep them mentally weak. Our parents made s to prove that you could control the cycle to create Aphas with accuracy, which the council claims is impossible."

"I knew that."

Her lack of surprise seemed to surprise the oung Vrul.

"You knew." The one named Atropos said.

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