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The next day as she sits on the couch with her parents, she can barely keep her eyes off me. She laughs with her mother and then looks over to me with a cute little smile on her face. I give her a smirk and she looks away and continues talking with her parents.

I get up to get a drink and when I close the refrigerator, I turn around to be met by Isa.

"Hey." I say, opening my water and taking a sip.

"Hi." she says, walking by me to get to the refrigerator, reaching past me to open it.

She grabs a water and takes a sip of it before looking back up at me nervously. "I just... wanted to get.. a snack. Something slight." she says, quickly walking over to the pantry and pulling out a small granola bar.

She starts to walk away as she opens it and I grab her by the arm and I pull her in front of me to whisper into her ear.

"Why don't I believe you, love?" I say deeply into her ear, making her shiver.

I leave a kiss on her ear before baring my teeth down on it, making her hum to herself. She grabs my hip and tries to keep quiet as I tease her, biting softly on her neck. "Ky... they're in the other room." she says, peeking over my shoulder.

"Good. I can keep doing this until they get curious." I say, grinning devilishly.

"Ky, I'm... serious." she says, her words coming out breathlessly.

"What's the harm?" I say, still leaving small kisses on her.

"Kyzer, stop, they're coming."

I continue kissing on her and I hear her parents calling for her.

"Isabella!" her mother says.

"Ky!" she whispers a little loudly.

I chuckle and I move right when her parents show up in the kitchen. I stand next her with a smile on my face as I sip on my water.

"Uh, yeah, what's up?" she says to her parents, shooting a look at me, nearly making me spit out my drink.

"We have to get back home. There's an emergency with your aunt, Genevieve, she's in the hospital. I'm so sorry honey. We'll come back very soon." Mariah says.

"Oh. That's okay. I hope she's okay. When you get home, call me. Let me know how she's doing. I'll help you pack." Isa says.

"Oh no. We've got it. Thanks honey." Dan says.

They go upstairs and Isa looks back at me.

"Your aunt. Genevieve, was it?" I question.

"Yeah. Mom always told me when I was a kid that she was ill. Come to find out, it was cancer. She's been getting treatments for years, but she hasn't been getting any better. We know it's about time so... we've just been waiting." she says, sighing as she pushes her back to the counter, holding onto it.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Don't be." she says, shaking her head.

I stare at her and I clear my throat while fixing my posture. "So, I'm going to my club tonight. You coming? It'll help take your mind off things." I say.

"What? I have nothing to wear." she says back.

"Did you forget? You remember that dress you wanted me to get so bad? You saw it in that-"

"Magazine the first week I was here. I remember." she says with a smile. Then it quickly fades. "I can't wear that to a party."

"Says who?" she doesn't say anything. "I don't mind people looking. You know who you're going and leaving with. And if not, I'll remind you before we leave." I say, walking around the island.

"You don't own me." she says, shooting me a smirk.

I nod my head, smirking. I step in front
of her, my voice coming out as a deep growl as I lower myself to her face, gripping the counter. "Once I fuck it, I own it. And I've done that... twice already?" I say, raising my eyebrow in question. I continue speaking as I grin. "You do anything that pisses me off, you'll get the worst of it."

"The worst of what? A temper tantrum?" she picks.

"Something like it." I say, grinning back at her.

She blushes and looks down, fidgeting with her fingers. After a while, her parents are gone and Isa's asleep on the couch, curled up in a ball as she snores lightly. Smiling at the sight of her, I place a kiss on her head before picking her up in my arms to take her upstairs.

She hums as she tries to get comfortable in my arms, tossing her head to the side to rest it on my chest. I lie her down in bed and I throw the covers over her body, letting her sleep peacefully.

I take off my shirt and I throw it to the floor before I get in bed on my phone, sitting next to her as I scroll through it. For a couple minutes, I lie awake, but soon, I lie down and throw my arm over her, falling asleep in her warmth.

For a second, this feels a little surreal. The feeling of her body pressed against mine, but not in any sexual way. I know this is kind of a normal thing for us, but the feeling I get when we're this close is unreal.

To be inside her is euphoric. She's warm and comfortable. But the feeling of being next to her, breathing her in, kissing her skin... it's beyond anything I could imagine.

And that may seem crazy for a man who hunts bounties, extorts and kills people, and trades drugs and weapons, but it's how I feel.

Every second, every minute, every hour, and every day, I grow more attached to her. And she doing the same with me. I can feel it. I notice it. Every look she gives me is more genuine that the last and I can't help but feel like maybe..... maybe we're falling for each other. It's undeniable at this point.

But we're too scared to let each other know.

Maybe it's about time I put my pride aside and let it be known.

But am I prepared for that?

No. I'm not.

At least not until she is.

Besides, how will I know if she's ready when I can't even talk to her about how I'm feeling?

I don't know. Maybe things will fall together on their own.

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