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"I'm finished eating. When should I be ready?" I say into the phone.

"Actually, I'm coming back. There's nothing to do at work right now. I'll come to shop with you. Be ready when I'm back." he says. Then he hangs up.

I put the phone down and I sigh. "What am I wearing?" I say, looking down at my clothes. I get up and I walk to the closet and there's dresses and shirts, blouses and tight jeans, heels, sneakers, boots, flats, almost every shoe you can name. "Oh my God." I say, amazed. What am I even gonna shop for? I have everything here.

I end up picking out a simple outfit.

By the time I finish curling my hair, I hear footsteps coming towards my room

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By the time I finish curling my hair, I hear footsteps coming towards my room.

"You're ready?" Kyzer's deep voice comes.

"Yeah. I am." I say, raking my fingers through my curls.

"Good. I didn't think I'd gotten everything a woman might need to.. get ready properly." he says, leaning against the doorframe.

He really isn't as bad as I made him out to be.

He reaches over to my nightstand and grabs his card and tucks it into his wallet. "You look nice." he says, walking out. I smile and I walk out behind him, turning off the lights and closing my room door.

We walk outside and a white Rolls-Royce sits at the bottom of the staircase leading to the front doors.

"A Rolls-Royce?!" I say, excitedly bouncing in place. I stop when he looks over at me, his phone engulfed in his huge hands. He looks at me with one eyebrow arched and smirks, then holds his hand out for me to take it. I grab his hand softly and his cold rings send a shiver down my spine as I slide into the car. He gets in on the other side and taps the seat, telling his chauffeur to go.

Hearing the news about the man I thought loved me hurt. But I'm not gonna let that get in the way of my life. It's time for a change. I'm gonna let go.

The car has white and purple interior with a glove box in the back. I open it and it's full of suckers and different snacks. "Oooh yes." I say, grabbing a sucker. I unwrap it and I throw it in my mouth as I look over to his side, seeing different magazines on the inside of the side of his door. I lean over him, making him move his arms and sit back, and I grab one, resting on his lap as I look at the magazine, seeing a beautiful dress in it. I take my sucker out of my mouth and I point it at the dress. "I want that." I say, looking up at him.

"Okay. We'll get it." he says plainly, scrolling through his phone with his arms in the air.

When we arrive to our destination, I see a huge outlet, stores surrounding me everywhere I look.

He's got a black card. I'm gonna blow every single penny he has on it. I pace into the first jewelry store I see and Kyzer follows me in, scrolling through his phone and then putting it up to his ear when it rings. I walk in, sucking on my sucker and I look at the beautiful necklaces and rings on display. I see a necklace and I point to it, looking back at Kyzer.

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