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Isabella's POV:
I stand at the altar looking at the man I'll be calling my husband in a matter of minutes. Our wedding is filled to the brim with the people we love and as of right now, nothing feels real. The officiant recites a speech about life and love as we stand there, admiring one another, waiting to be able to say our vows and leave this place. As I recite my vows, placing his ring onto his finger, he smiles at me, rubbing my hand with his thumb on the verge of tears. He starts to recite his, and after he puts my ring on my finger, the officiant asks the last question before we can officially be pronounced.

"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony? Speak now or forever hold your peace." she says.

For a second, the room is quiet, then all of a sudden the doors open and a man with a black Armani suit on walks in with a thousand men pouring in behind him, guns out and pointed at the crowd and one pointed at my husband.

"Ryder, what is this?" I say, grabbing him, holding on to him and not letting go.

"Everything'll be alright, stay with me." he says wrapping his arm around my back and hugging my body to his.

The man in the black suit walks up to us and smiles a devious smile at me. "I've come to collect what's mine." he says, licking his lips as he looks at me.

"What the hell?" I say, looking him up and down.

His fingers are covered in rings and he has on a huge watch with diamonds on the face of it. He points at me and my body goes cold when two strong men grab me and start to pull me off of Ryder.

This mystery man turns around as I struggle to get away from these men.

He tries his best to get me back, grabbing my hand, and my ring slides off when they manage to drag me off of him. The men continue pointing their guns at the audience as I'm dragged out of the building and into the night. Ryder calls for me and struggles to get to me, but it's no use as two huge men hold him down and knock him unconscious.

I cry harder as the two men throw me into the car and shut the door behind them. Eventually I stop crying and I see this mysterious man standing outside talking on the phone, so I try to get out of the car, but the door won't open. Child safety lock. I sit there numbly as I realize that I can't get out of this. The man with the Armani suit on gets in the car and signals the driver to leave. The ride is completely quiet as he scrolls through his phone, fixing his cufflinks and looking at his watch.

I look over at him and I finally notice some of his facial features as he looks down at his phone. He's got brilliant blue eyes, stubble on his chin and upper lip, and his hair falls in front of his face. It's brown and silky looking, with light brown streaks in it, not too visible, but it's there. He also has a nose piercing, a little glistening stud in the right side of his nose. It's just then that I realize he's looking at me. I look away and I turn to look in front of me, in shock from what just happened.

"Who are you and where are you taking me?" I say, absolutely terrified to speak, but I do anyway.

"Kyzer Caruso. And home." he says plainly, his voice deep.

"Which is where?" I ask. He doesn't say anything so I repeat myself. "Which. Is. Where?" I say, enunciating my words.

"With me." he says back.

"You are not my home." I retort, tears falling from my eyes.

"Well I will be." he says, looking down at his phone.

Rage builds inside me and I reach back and I go to slap him and he catches my wrist in his hand, looking at me with a calm expression.

"It'd be wise you don't do that." he says, then he throws my arm away from him with a huff. I sit back, crying, and he sighs and looks over at me. "My God, stop crying. You're giving me a splitting headache." he says.

"Let me out!" I yell.

"No. We're almost home. It doesn't matter now." he says back.

"Let me out of here! Let me out!" I yell, trying to open my door, forgetting that the safety lock is on.

"It's no use, stop it."

"No! Let me-"

"Stop it, goddamnit!" he yells, making me jump and look at him with paralyzing fear coursing through me.

I sit back, my breath trembling as we come to a stop in front of a huge mansion. Kyzer gets out and he rounds the car and opens my door. I stay in the car with my arms folded.

"Get out." he says.


"Don't... fucking tempt me. Get. Out." he repeats.

I slowly get out and he shuts the door behind me, walking toward the doors of his huge mansion as I slowly and reluctantly follow behind him. When we're inside, he walks me upstairs and shows me to a room.

"This is yours. Whatever you'd like, let me know. I've taken your personal items like your phone, your laptop, and all else. You won't be getting them back until I can trust you with them."

"Until you can trust me?" I say in disbelief.

"Goodnight. There are clothes in your dresser." he says, leaving me.

When the door closes, I sit on the foot of the bed and I sit there in shock as I process all that's happened.


Out of anything that could happen, why this? Why me? How?

All these questions run through my mind as I shower, crying as I do.

I guess I have to face this. There's nothing else I can do about the situation I'm in. My phone's gone, my laptop's gone. I have no sort of communication, so nobody knows where I am or who I'm with.

I don't even know who I'm with.

When I finish showering, I lie in bed, thinking of any way I can escape this place. I can't stay here. I can't.

I know everything happened very, very fast, but this is only the beginning. Everything will make sense as the story progresses, I promise.

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