"Ah, there she is!" Izana says cheerfully, clapping his hands seeing you wearing the attire he had picked out for you. "Sit!" he orders happily, pointing to the seat next to him. You cross your arm, rubbing the other nervously as you walk towards Izana, sitting down. You look at Izana as he eyes you up and down. He's jumping for joy inside seeing the collar wrapped around your neck, while the black, skimpy bodysuit hugs your body, his eyes stopping on the fuzzy ears on top of your head. "Such a cute little doggy!" he squeals. You cringe internally, but you constantly repeat those words in your head.

I'll do whatever it takes, no matter what.

You give Izana a fake smile. But your eyes drift down, your eyes sparkle as your tummy rumbles seeing the delicious plate of food in front of you. "Eat." Izana chuckles. Without wasting a second you scarf down the food, so hungry from not eating since yesterday. "Slow down before you get sick." Izana orders, taking a bite of his food. You flutter your eyes before slowing down, apologizing for your rude behavior, "sorry."

"Anytime I need you to do something for me I want you to wear that." motioning his fork up and down your figure before taking another bite of his food. You nod slowly, while dying inside. "Good, bitch." he smiles, you choke on your food hearing what he just called you. You go into a coughing fit, gulping down your water to calm your throat. "Are you alright?" Izana says worriedly, watching as you try to contain the coughs that want to leave your mouth, "Mhmm."

"Come." Izana says, holding his hand out to you. You hesitantly grab it, following Izana. You look around as you guys enter a room. It was the complete opposite of your room. Huge, dark, red accents with fancy details. It looked like a room fit for a vampire. He plops onto the edge of the bed, motioning for you to come closer. You approach him, his finger points to the floor. You furrow your brows, not sure what he wants you to do. He sees your confusion, "kneel." he orders, you listen kneeling in front of him. Looking up to him to see what he wants you to do next, "Take my shoes off."

You untie his shoes, removing them from his feet. You look back up, he nods his head motioning you to remove his socks. Once you remove them he lifts his foot and plops back onto the bed, "Rub my feet." he commands, washing his hands over his face and into his hair as he yawns. You cock your head back in puzzlement, you certainly thought he was going to have you do 'something' else. Though relieved it didn't go that route.

You massage his feet, he groans and moans as you massage away. As you massage your mind wanders, thinking of how Vanessa is doing, if she's even alive. Not knowing what Izana did with her, you can feel anger swelling in your veins, your fingers start to dig into Izana's feet harshly. He jerks his foot away, as he looks at you angrily, "Owe." he hisses. You shake your head and blink your eyes rapidly as you come back to reality, "Sorry." you mumble. "Go run me a bath." He orders before he plops back down. You walk to his lavish bathroom, starting the bath. You return to Izana once the tub is filled, "It's ready." you tell him, he gets up walking to the bathroom, brushing past you. You begin to walk out, leaving him to bathe before he stops you. "Where are you going?" he says, watching as you turn back to face him, "Back to my room?" knitting your brows. "I didn't tell you to leave, now did I?" he says sternly, you shake your head 'no'. "Alright then. Now, come undress me."

You scoff, "Undress yourself." freezing once you realize what left your mouth. You can see Izana's eyes go cold as he stomps to you, his hand snapping your neck into a chokehold, slamming you against the wall, "What was that bitch?" he hisses. You scratch at Izana's hands as you struggle for air, the collar digging into your skin, your legs dangling as you struggle to breath. "I'm sorry!" you croak. Izana lets go, you fall to the ground holding your neck as you gasp for air, your body hitching aggressively as you try to grab as much air as you could. Izana steps a few feet away before turning to you, your eyes glare at him as you try your best to steady your breathing. "Well..." he stammers, waiting for you to undress him. You bite your lip as you stand, almost stumbling over before gaining composure. Cursing him in your head.

You remove his shirt, your eyes trailing his carved body. Thinking how he could be so toned when he looks so lanky with his clothes on. You swallow your saliva, before unbuckling his pants, unzipping them. You look up at Izana, hesitant to pull his briefs down but he nods at you to go ahead. You swallow again but this time you swallow down the nervousness. You pull his briefs down, his cock just hanging in front of your face. Of course he'd be blessed, but you shake the thought away and look away. Izana completely unbothered, he steps out of the briefs once they reach his ankles. He walks away, getting into the tub. "You can put the clothes in the hamper in the closet." He says pointing to the closet. You pick up the clothes slowly, so confused.

Guess when he said slave, he just meant to be his personal maid?..

Relieved that he didn't mean a 'sex' slave. Though you smile wickedly when an idea pops into your head. You walk back facing Izana as he lays in the bath, "Anything else you need master?" his eyes go wide and a huge smile pulls his lips up as he looks at you. You smile internally knowing calling him master would stroke his ego, he was an alpha after all. Oh, you'd surely make him feel like one...

"Yes, wash me." he smiles. You kneel next to the tub, squeezing soap into the palm of your hands before massaging it into his hair. He leans back, closing his eyes to enjoy the massage, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Does that feel good, master?" you ask. "Mhmm." he hums, as he smiles contently. You smile evilly, you'll be his slave alright. Yes, yes... you will do whatever he asks, make him think you submitted, be his good little 'pup', take care of him like no one else ever has. You were going to make him vulnerable, before striking. 

Let the games begin.

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