Chapter 42

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"She's ready." Sanzu states, mainly looking at Mikey when he said that.

"Ready for what?" you ask, looking at Sanzu before looking at the others. "Come, sit." Mikey orders, you hesitantly sit, wondering what Sanzu could have meant.

"We've done a lot of thinking and talking y/n, we wanted to ask you after your assignment with Mochi but we felt it wasn't time yet." Mikey explains, you're still unsure on what exactly he means, so you just listen. "Ever since you came to work for us, you've shown nothing but loyalty to Bonten and to us." You start to get an idea as to where this is going.

He smiles as he continues, "We love you so much y/n, and we want you by our sides... on Bonten's side for as long as Bonten stands. I'd like you to rule Bonten with me?" Mikey queries. Your mouth slightly dropped hearing his question, your eyes slowly drifting to all the men in the room, they watch you as they wait for a answer. But you couldn't believe what Mikey was asking. It was such a huge role to accept, and you'd be in a much more dangerous position than you already are. Yes, you wanted to be a part of Bonten, but to help rule it?... geez, that was a huge responsibility.

"Y/n?" Mikey calls out, your eyes drift back to his quizzingly figure.

"I don't know Mikey, that's a huge responsibility that I don't think I'm quite fit for..." you confess, rubbing the back of your nape nervously.

"Y/n, you're the perfect fit. We trust and love you, that's all that matters. Plus you passed your training, which by what Sanzu and Kakucho have told me, you far exceeded their expectations." Mikey declares.

You take a moment to ponder.

I mean this is what I've always wanted from the beginning was to be a part of Bonten... to feel strong and empowered. I can't back out now, this is my time to shine...

After that thought you give them a soft smile, looking at each man before resting your eyes back on Mikey, "Alright, I accept!"

"Perfect!" Mikey cheers, the men soon follow, whistling and clapping. "Have Vanessa bring in the artist and the champagne!" Mikey orders Sanzu, Sanzu nods and exits to do his task.

"Artist?" you query.

"You'll see!" Mikey smirks, nerves fill your tummy. You did love surprises, but surprises from the men often were, well... how can you say this?... unpredictable. 

He soon arrives back with Vanessa and a man covered in tattoos, wondering what a man like that is doing here, panicking internally once you realize why he's here. Vanessa smiles at you as she gives you a glass pouring it with champagne, "congratulations on being Bonten's new queen." She teases, you do a 'oh stop' motion with your hands, as you playfully roll your eyes at her. But your eyes hitch back to the tattooed man, nervous sweat beading on the crown of your head. 

"To y/n, welcome to Bonten!" Mikey cheers, lifting his glass. Everyone mirrors him, toasting to your new position. "Now it's time for your new tattoo." Mikey smirks. 


 "Wait... I never agreed to a tattoo..."

"Well... think of this as your initiation into Bonten." Mikey chuckles.

You sling back your drink, gulping down the anxious feeling along with it. This would be your first tattoo, you were scared shitless that it was going to hurt. The tattooed man sets up right beside you.

"Well that wasn't so bad..." you say, admiring the fresh tattoo displayed on the back of your neck. The rectangle of black and white, almost like the yin and yang symbol, with the Bonten's symbol. You decided to get it in the same spot as Mikey since you two would be ruling Bonten together. What better way than to compliment the King.

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