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Where do I even begin? Well let's start by saying I never knew fan-fiction's existed until I became obsessed with Tokyo Revengers and was told by friends that I could read fictional stories of pretty much any character I could think of. Finding this platform opened my eyes to a whole new world and this world opened me up to the beauty of romance novels and the many different kinds out there. As I've read many amazing fan-fiction's here I couldn't help but think of ways I would write a scene and with so many thoughts on this I decided to create my own story the way I wanted to see Bonten and the main character. I didn't want the main character (you) to be just with one of them, I wanted to challenge the world of fiction by making the love interests of yours, the whole Bonten clan. Well, minus Mochi of course. So I began to brainstorm the story line and knew immediately I wanted it to have themes of Moulin Rouge which is my favorite movie of all time. And I just began to write and write and write. I hit a few blocks along the way, but I learned what and what not to do when I write my next story. Anyways I digress, I want to take a moment to thank my husband for listening to me ramble on and on about my story and ideas when he didn't even have a clue half the time what I was talking about. What a trooper.

Next, I like to thank my best friend K, for being the best editor I could ask for even though this was just a hobby I decided to take on. With everything that was going on during that time, she never failed to check my work and let me know how great my writing and story was coming along.

I'd like to thank my best friend, A. She had no clue what Tokyo Revengers or Anime even was, and was captivated by the story and exclaimed how she felt like she was actually living the tale. That praise kept me going along with the funny and amazing comments I got from the majority of you, which leads me to my last but certainly not least thank you, to, you! Without you, the amazing readers, this work would not be where it is today. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for leaving comments, they were such a highlight of this whole experience. Thank you for tagging along on this crazy but wondrous ride. Thank you truly.

Until next time,

Sinful Siren

The Sparkling Diamond 💎│BontenWhere stories live. Discover now