Chapter 7

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You and Koko arrive back at the mansion. With out giving you time to get out of the car, he whips your door open, snatching you out.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" you yell.

"Shut up" he says sternly.

He drags you into the mansion, not giving you any time to greet the others. You can see Sanzu, Ran, and Rin lounging on the couch. You glance at them, your eyes begging them to help.

"Ohhhh, y/n is in trouble" Sanzu snickers.

Worry starts to wash over you. You didn't know what Koko was going to do to you for disobeying his orders.

"Ow, Koko you're hurting my arm" you protest.

"I told you to shut up y/n. You're just going to make it worse for yourself, if you don't. shut. up." He spits. Hushing you right on the spot.

He guides you to the big red door you saw yesterday, pushing the door open into a huge dark red room. You notice a huge bed with railings, the walls lined with sex toys and contraptions. You take a deep gulp as you continue to look around.

"Koko, w-where are we?" you mumble.

"You're in our red room." He states.

"Red room?" You query.

"Yes, this is where you'll be punished when you don't listen. " He hisses at you. "Undress."

"What?" you ask, your senses blocked from the anxiety washing over you.

"Undress. Don't make me say it again."

You don't hesitate, removing your clothing. Koko removed the tie from his pocket. "Y/n, do you know why you're being punished?" Koko asks.

"Y-yes" you stutter.

"Then tell me why" Koko demands.

"For cumming when I wasn't supposed to." You answer.

"Correct. Now that you know the reason, give me a safeword" He spits.

"Safeword?" you question.

Koko rolls his eyes, smacking his lips "y/n what did I say. Stop making me repeat myself. You're going to regret it".

You take a deep breath, as his words replay in your mind. "What have I gotten myself into, is this too much?" you wonder to yourself. But you know that Koko isn't going to let you go, considering you signed their contract. You have no choice but to do what you're told.

"Butterfly" You tell Koko.

"Alright, you only say butterfly when you absolutely can't take it anymore, understand?" Koko instructs.


"Yes, what?" Koko questions.

"Yes, master?" you say hesitantly.

"Good girl. Now, get on the bed on all fours" He demands.

You listen to what you're told, situating yourself on the bed.

"Now put your arms behind your back" Koko dictates.

You listen, too scared to make him more upset. You put your hands behind your back, forcing your head down onto the bed. Koko takes the tie and wraps it around your wrists, tightening it as far as it can, pinching your skin underneath. Your bare ass in the air, he takes his hand and strokes his fingers down your back. Sending a shiver down your spin.

"I want you to count to five slowly. Make sure you pause after each number. Understand?" He demands.

"Yes, master" acknowledging what he said.

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