Chapter 25

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You lay with Mikey, still wrapped up in your thoughts. You couldn't understand why you couldn't say those three words back. Why was it so easy to tell Sanzu, but not Mikey? I mean you had strong feelings for him but there was just something holding you back and it was gnawing at you. You look over to Mikey who is still sleeping. You were restless with too much on your mind, so you decided to get up and get some water. You carefully get up from Mikey's bed, he lets out a small groan and flips over to the other side. You give him a soft peck on his forehead.

You make your way to the kitchen. On the way you see Takeomi sitting on the couch rolling up a blunt.

"Hey Take-chan."

"Hmm. Oh hi y/n" he hums.

"Why are you up so late?" you query.

"Can't sleep," he sighs.

"Same." you reply.

"I'm gonna grab some water. Want anything from the kitchen, while I'm in there?" you ask.

"I'll take some whiskey. It's on the bar towards the pantry."

"Got it." you smile.

You grab a glass of water and a glass of whiskey for Takeomi, heading back to him. He now lights up the blunt, taking a big hit. You plop next to Takeomi, setting the glass on the coffee table in front of him. He smiles gently at you.


"Cheers." he says, raising his glass up towards yours.

You clink your glass into his, the clash of the glasses reverberates through the living room, the sound harmonizing with music that's subtly playing over the home theater system. You take a big gulp of your water. Takeomi takes a big swig of his whiskey, once he's done he hands you the blunt, silently asking if you want a hit. You reach for the blunt.

Why not...

You had so much on your mind about Mikey that you wanted to forget about it for a while. You took the blunt placing it between your lips, you took a huge drag, inhaling it into your lungs, holding onto it. You finally exhale, rolling your eyes as you let it take over. You melt into the couch. You look over to Takeomi, handing the blunt back to him, your fingers grazing against his. He had the largest hands out of the bunch, and the most rugged. You gasp silently feeling his touch against yours.

You sit and think back to a conversation you and Vanessa had during your recuperation.


"Hey Vanessa."

"Yes, miss y/n?" she replies.

"Not to make things awkward. But are you and Take-chan a thing?" you ask her nervously, rubbing your hand on the back of your neck.

Her face starts to blush remembering that you caught her and Takeomi fucking.

She clears her throat, "No, we're not a thing..."

"...They don't really let me go anywhere, so I took advantage when the opportunity arose, it only happened that one time." she nervously chuckles.

You listen as she talks.

"You know miss y/n before I came here, I was actually in love... sigh.... with this one guy, Matsuno Chifuyu. He took such good care of me."

You can see sadness wash over her face. Your eyebrows furrow, wondering what's wrong.

"What happened?" you questioned.

"Money." she sighs.


The Sparkling Diamond 💎│BontenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora