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You arrive home from your dull job as a law firm receptionist, fed up with the monotonous routine you've created. You've been tired of this slow, colorless life you've been living. It's also been a year since you've had a boyfriend and your current love life is non-existent. Don't get it wrong, you still got it. It's just none of these boys were doing it for you. Your last relationship was mundane, built on boredom. You both knew the relationship wasn't going anywhere so you both parted ways respectfully.

Not knowing what to do with your life, you began to struggle on who you wanted to be and what you wanted to make of yourself. You were tired of your boring job, boring friends, and boring life. It was time to do something thrilling and exciting with your life for once.

You've always been confident, in yourself and your body. You reminisce on your college days when you used to dance at a danky little strip club in the red-light district of Shibuya. It helped you get by. Trying to afford college on your own was hard. Sure, you had a scholarship, but you needed money to help with the remaining costs of housing and food. You also wanted money to enjoy the things you liked and spoil yourself when you could. You've always desired a life of luxury, you never had that when you were younger. But you fell in love dancing, you lusted over the way it made you feel. It made you feel empowered, to have these men watch you. To lust over you. Made you feel like a fucking goddess.

With a devilish grin you strike up the daring idea, I mean you did it before and you knew you could do it again. You also knew it was a sure-fire way to get that money and get it fast. The thought of it made you squirm with excitement. You grab your phone and start searching for the highest rated five star strip club in Tokyo. You find the number one rated strip club in Shinjuku, the city is known for its entertainment. "This will definitely bring in the money I'm looking for" you mutter to yourself. "Omnia" the google search read. You take a moment to call and see if you could audition.

While the phone rang you reflected on why you stopped dancing back then. You remembered that your college sweetheart didn't like the thought of you dancing, especially for other men. He was very possessive and controlling. You scoff as you roll your eyes, knowing that you'd never let a man tell you ever again what you can or can't do. Or so you thought...


"Hello, this is Rebecca from Omnia. How can I help you?"

"Hi Rebecca, this is l/n y/n. I was calling to see if you were holding auditions anytime soon?"

"Let me check our schedule, Please, hold for a moment"

"Of course!"

<On hold>

"Hi, yes we are holding auditions next Friday. You do need to reserve a slot; we have one more available spot for 11pm."

"That works for me!"

"Wonderful, I got you down for 11pm next Friday l/n y/n. We'll see you then!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

<Call ends>

You knew it wasn't going to be an easy audition considering this is a five star joint. You knew you needed to put in work if you were to get this spot. "A week from today...?" You let out a deep breath "I can do this!" Tomorrow you'll start prepping, for now you unwind from the day you had at the office. 

 Your job is decent, it allows you to live comfortably. But it was repetitive making you bored with it. You've been a receptionist for a well-known law firm for five years now. It pays well but you aspire to make more than you already do now. You just wanted more, a life of luxury. You wanted to be somebody, somebody everyone admired and adored. It seems selfish and superficial but you didn't care anymore. 

You were tired of hiding in the shadows, tired of suppressing your true self. 

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