Chapter 17

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Morning comes, you wake barely able to open your eyes without your head spinning. Your head throbbing with every movement. You place your hand over your forehead, trying to center yourself. Once you can feel yourself stop spinning, you open one eye peeking around the room.

"Owe..." You groan.

Your eyes immediately shift to the three butt ass naked men in your bed, Sanzu and Rindou right next to you while you notice Ran sprawled out down by your feet. You slowly prop up on your elbows, watching them sleep. You feel like complete shit, realizing that you're hungover. You tug at your jaw, trying to stretch it open but it's tight, then trying to stretch but your body aches.

"Fuck," you mumble.

You nudge Ran at the end with your foot, trying to wake him up. He groans, tossing over, facing the other way. You scoff rolling your eyes at him. You look over to Sanzu, but he's knocked out cold. Then to Rin, you tug on him, trying to wake him.

"Rin.. psh... Rin... Wakeupppp." You whisper in a sing-song voice. Trying not to talk too loud, so the sound wouldn't drill into your pounding head.

You give up, realizing that none of these men are gonna wake up anytime soon. You plop yourself back down, letting out a heavy sigh as you put your arms over your eyes, trying to cover the blinding light of the sun. As you try to compose yourself so you can at least try to get up and shower, you can hear the turn of your door knob, peeking to see who it could be.

The door swings open, you hear a soft voice, "Miss y/n, I brought you some breakfast since you weren't at the table this mor-'' Vanessa declares. She gasps, immediately dropping the tray of food once she sees all the naked men in your bed.

The tray and dishes make a huge crashing sound, you wince at the sound, while the men wake from their deep sleep in a panic. They rush for their guns, still in a sleepy daze, as they point them directly at Vanessa. She throws her hands up in innocence.

"I-I-Im so sorry for interrupting, I should have knocked and waited for a reply." She stammers, her eyes locked on to Rindou, Ran, and Sanzu, taking a big gulp as their guns don't lower.

"It's okay Vanessa. Boys, lower your weapons, it's just Vanessa." You order, pressing your forehead to ease the throbbing.

They snap out of their foggy state, lowering their weapons. They scoff, seeing the mess on the floor.

"Pick this shit up Vanessa." Sanzu commands. She blushes, throwing herself to the floor to start cleaning the mess.

"Right away, Master Sanzu." She mutters.

"Boys, can you leave us." You order, giving them a gentle smile. They listen, taking the order from you, such unusual behavior for them. They only take orders from Mikey, but after last night, they now bow down to their queen.

They all give you peck, Ran on your lips, Sanzu on your forehead, and Rindou on your cheek, you give each of them a soft smile.

"We'll see you in a bit, sweetheart." Ran says.

Vanessa blushes as they walk past her, her eyes leveled with their naked groins. She clears her throat before fixing her gaze back onto the mess before her.

"Make sure this shit is spotless." Rin barks at Vanessa. She nods at his request.

Once the men have finally exited the room, you get up wrapping the blanket around you, trying not to fall over in the process. You waddle to the bathroom to grab towels, ushering over to Vanessa to lend her a hand. You bend down, grabbing onto your head, since it feels like it's going to explode any moment.

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