Chapter 13

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It's now Wednesday, you stretch ready to start a new day. You wanted to explore the mansion and find out what the Bonten men do for a living. Yes you knew they were criminals, but you were curious as to what exactly these criminals did.

You yawn, rubbing your sleepy eyes. You brush your teeth, brushing your hair. You tug on your cropped tank trying to cover your underboobs but they still subtly peek out, and fix your pink lace thong, as it was chafing your ass crack.

You were feeling adventurous, so you slyly exit your room. tiptoeing down the hallway, you notice it's a lot quieter than usual, not seeing one person, you assume everyone is out for the morning. You take the opportunity to tour the mansion. You continued to walk quietly throughout the mansion, you were nervous of getting caught even though no one was home. Yeah, you live there too, but it still felt like uncharted territory.

You start by exploring the side your room is on, you already knew Rin's room was right next to yours and that Kakucho's was down the other hall. You take a peek into Rin's room first, curious as to what kind of taste he has. You notice that his room is more on the contemporary side, your eyes flutter to the large sleek platform bed. Modern pieces of art strung along his wall, contemporary lamps throughout.

"Damn, this man really likes his lamps." You laugh.

You close the door, going around the other rooms. You already knew what Kakucho's bedroom was like, remembering your time in it, butterflies filling your tummy.

You shudder at seeing the Red door, you had a love hate relationship with that room. The rest of the rooms were empty spare rooms or bathrooms, so you make your way to the other side of the mansion. You start to get a rush of adrenaline sneaking about, you couldn't help but giggle to yourself.

You knew that the rest of the men's rooms had to be on this side. The first bedroom you spy into was rather bleak, though clean and modern. You notice it had a concrete wall, tasteful, nude art above the headboard. You were impressed by the cleanliness of the room.

You move onto the next room, you observe that this one is more feminine. You immediately knew it was Vanessa's room. Her room was very airy and bright, she had greenery displayed, cute, popsy art. Your eyes glance over to a bookshelf wall full of manga. "She definitely has taste." You note, admiring her room.

You close her door, moving onto the next. You make your way further down the hall, peeping at the tall black door to the private dance room, thinking back to being fucked in front of the men. You blush at the memory.

Your attention is drawn to the fancy looking double doors across, they were huge, bigger than the door to the dance room. They had very detailed motifs displayed throughout. You tug on the knob, noticing that it's not opening the door. Curious why this door out of all was locked, you wanted in to see what they could be hiding, so you continue to jiggle the handle in hopes it magically opens.

All of sudden the door opens, your hand still glued to the knob. You almost topple over as you stumble into the room, your eyes catch Takeomi who was on the other side of the handle. Your eyes widen at the sight of him, you pitch your eyes around the room, to see all the men gathered around a huge conference table. You catch a glimpse of a guy you haven't seen before. The men stare at your half naked body, you can see most of them smiling smugly at the sight.

Sanzu whistles at the sight he sees. You tug down your crop tank but it doesn't do much. You clear your throat, "Good morning gentlemen." You mumble, trying to brush off the embarrassment.

"Good morning, y/n." Mikey simpered. "We're in a meeting as you can see. So, what brings you here? and why aren't you dressed?"

You scratch the back of your head sheepishly, raising up your cropped tank, your nipples peeping out of your shirt.

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