Chapter 3: Misfortune

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): I can't... If I give it back to you, there is a risk to note me...

Yamato: What? But it belongs to me, so give it back to me!

(Y/N): No, it's your fault! You came to my house, and you lost it, you can only blame yourself!

Yamato: I don't care, just give it back to me! She exclaimed as she was trying to extract the mask from (Y/N) who pushed her before fleeing. She called him, but he ignored her calls and ran at top speed in fear that she eventually would catch him.

In a dark alleyway, far from the large squares, some men were transporting a huge vase that seemed to be sealed with parchments covering it. The vase was dragged on a wooden cart by the men, who were vigilant about the risk of breaking. Apparently the spirit of a creature was inside, and it would be released if the vase was broken. Those men wanted to sell the vase that they had found in an abandoned temple. This item was worth a fortune and they had to be careful in order to avoid a disaster. Their attentions were turned towards noises and childish cries which were coming closer to them.

(Y/N): Leave me alone!

Yamato: Give me back my mask first! She let out a cry of rage before suddenly leaping onto the boy. He leaned on the side, barely avoiding her attack as she violently collided with the ground. Immediately, he continued to run towards the men, whose eyes fell out of their sockets at the sight of the boy who was running towards them.

Man: A child? What is he doing here?

Man: No matter, don't let him come nearer!

(Y/N) turned his head away before seeing Yamato, who was running at top speed with an expression of rage that made him sweating. The girl let out a cry as she jumped towards (Y/N), however, the boy also had leaped over the wooden cart. Accidentally, Yamato collided to the men because she had not managed to control his landing. (Y/N) wanted to take advantage of the situation to escape, but his hopes were ruined when the girl grabbed him by the collar of his clothes.

The girl tried to extract the mask from him as he was struggling, he kicked the vase which collapsed on the ground, breaking into a thousand pieces to the terror of the men. The two children stopped at the sound of the broken vase before being caught by the men.

Man: What have you done, brat?

Man: You will suffer for that! Before they could continue to speak, a dark cloud that made the blood of everyone cold began to appear around the pieces of the broken vase.

Yamato: What is it? She exclaimed as her instincts told her to flee.

"???: Are you ready, Kusanagi? We will defeat him! "

A sudden roar resonated through the streets, animated by the nocturnal activities. Some Japanese bars were open where citizens came to eat and drink, while others went to the pleasures districts. The night life continued like every day as a tall person walked in the city, wearing a mask that covered his face and he wore a katana which he hid from everyone's sight.

The roar was heard and the earth started to shake, worrying the inhabitants of Wano. The tremors became more and more intense before buildings broke in pieces. A big smoke screen spread as civilians were screaming and crushing by the fragments of the buildings. Cries of terror resonated at the sight of a huge skeletal creature that appeared to everyone.

The civilians were fleeing as the skeletal creature began to advance, making the earth tremble. The citizens who were in their homes woke up to the cries before being violently crushed by the ceilings of their homes, which fell down on them in a scene of horror. The streets were devastated, with shops destroyed and some bodies which were crushed as flames began to spread, burning houses and their inhabitants.

Fortunately, two silhouettes had managed to avoid the flying pieces of buildings to fall on them. It was (Y/N) and Yamato who were letting out cries as they ran at full speed to avoid the monster that was pursuing them. The girl changed her direction, however the boy followed her as the monster was chasing them. Precisely, he chased the boy that Yamato was trying to push away.

Yamato: You are the one who attracts that monster so leave me alone!

(Y/N): No, I'm afraid! He yelled as his foot collided with a small rock, making him lose his balance as he fell to the ground. His attention turned towards a huge shadow that covered him and was ready to squash him.

Yamato: Shit! (Y/N)! She exclaimed as she turned around and ran desperately towards the boy, trying to save him.

???: Devil's Hand, Saint's Heart: Evil Slashing Wave! A figure leapt in front of the two children who were stunned by the individual who unsheathed a katana before striking the creature with powerful blows that pushed it away, saving (Y/N)'s life at the very last moment. Yamato took advantage of this and grabbed the hand of (Y/N) to help.

Yamato: Are you okay, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah... But who is that?


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