Part 3: Chapter 46 | Trial of King.

Start from the beginning

"Very well, Miss Manoff please step down. Next witness Mr. Valerio."

"Thank you, your honor. Now I'd like to call upon Eliana King as my witness," Mr. Valerio called out.

A small outbreak came about its way when the others on Elijah's side refused to believe that his blood would betray him. Eliana rose from her seat and was ushered to the witness box.

"I can't believe that my flesh and blood would turn her back on her family. Your brother could go to jail, and you're just raising the chances of that happening. After this trial, you are no longer a part of this family," Mrs. King spat angrily.

"Maybe if you and dad paid more attention to your son, none of this would have happened," Eliana shot back, then proceeded to the witness box to swear in.

"Miss King, can you explain what happened the day you witnessed Elijah hit Jamie," Eliana took a deep breath.

"We were in our living room playing truth or dare, and one girl asked Jamie if Elijah had cheated on him. When he exposed the truth, Elijah got upset and threw a punch to Jamie's face."

"Were the rumors true-"

"Objection. Calls for speculation!"

"Sustained." The judge granted.

"Did Elijah do anything else other than physical contact?" Mr. Valerio proceeded to ask.

"He cursed at Jamie in such a hatred tone," Eliana looked at me with sad eyes.

"Thank you, your honor," Mr. Valerio said, stepping away from the box.

"Mr. Perez, you may come forth to cross-examine," The Judge said.

"Thank you, your honor," I held in a breath as I saw the defensive attorney walk to the box.

"Miss King, were you aware that your brother was abusive in any way?" Mr. Perez questioned.


"How so?"

"A year ago, we were celebrating Christmas, and that day, Elijah's ex-partner broke up with him. He was acting so nonchalant about it, but little did we know that he was abusing her. I tried to confront him, but he threatened to kill himself if I ever brought up the topic."

"If you knew your brother was abusive, why haven't you've done anything about it?"

"I have."

"How so?"

"Elijah has a mental disorder. APD: Anti-social Personality disorder." I looked back at Elijah's parents, who looked so angry with what Eliana was saying.

"But nowhere in his records states that he was diagnosed with APD. Miss King, tell the truth, is he mentally ill, or are you lying?"

"No, Mr. Perez. The reason behind that is because I was the one who had Elijah checked upon, not my parents. I am the only one who has that record," Eliana said.

"Where are those records?" The judge ordered

"I have it, your honor," Mr. Valerio called out, holding the sealed folder.

"Bring it to me," She ordered.

Mr. Valerio walked up to the high podium and placed the folder before the judge. I just noticed the judge's name was Diane. She opened up the folder and skimmed through the pages. After a good ten seconds of skimming, she placed the documents down.

"It is true. The boy is mentally ill. Miss King, why did you keep these files?" Judge Diane asked.

"I kept it because I knew my parents would never get him the help he deserved, so I did. I took him to therapy and got him on meds. If I had shown my parents these files, they would have waved it off, because they can't face the truth," Eliana confessed.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now