Chapter 86 :)

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Michael's Pov

Right behind those wooden doors, in the next couple minutes is going to married. She's going to officially be mine. The cameras keep of flashing but I don't care I just care for what's behind the door. I look around and see my father and my mother smiling at me and some of my friends too. I see Y/n's mother and grandfather and her friends too. I look at my brothers and Leo right behind me and I smile at them nervously.

Then the doors open.

She looks beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Tears well up in my eyes as I look at my wife to be. She smiles right back. I wipe my tear as she comes closer and closer to me. I then see a wheelchair behind her wheeling. I immediately smile and tears come through my eyes again and I see that it's Cheryl! She's really here! I smile at her and she smiles back. Cheryl words, "I'll tell you later." I nod and bring my attention back to Y/n.

Y/n's Pov

Is Michael crying? Damn, I'm going to cry now. Michael looks beautiful. He's so handsome. Gosh I got so lucky! Latoya and Maria hold on to the back of my dress as Ivy and Cheryl are behind too. Marcey is at the front in her little dress throwing flowers around the front of me. I look Michael directly in the eyes and he does the same. New tears well up. I look around to stop them and see flashing cameras, Michael's friends and family and my friends and family. My mom is even smiling at me but very weirdly. I turn back as I reach the front to Michael. I sigh and face Michael.

I smile. He smiles and says, "You look beautiful. The most beautiful girl in the world." I say, "You look handsome. The most handsome boy in the world." He smiles so bright that it could blind you with his pearly teeth. We hold hands. The priest cuts of our eye contact and says, "We are gathered here to celebrate and join these too into marriage. Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson and Miss Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n." I smile. The priest says, "Mr. Jackson repeat after me." Michael nods smiling. The priest says, "I Michael Joseph Jackson." Michael says, "I Michael Joseph Jackson." The priest says, "Take Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n." Michael says, "Take Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n." The priest says, "to be my lawfully wedded wife." Michael says, "To be my lawfully wedded wife." I smile so hard at this. The priest says, "To have and to hold." Michael says, "To have and to hold." The priest says, "From this day forward." Michael says, "From this day forward." The priest, "For better, for worse." Michael says, "For better, for worse." The priest says, "For richer, for poorer." Michael says, "For richer, for poorer." The priest says, "In sickness and in health." Michael says, "In sickness and in health." The priest says, "Until death do us part." Michael smiles, "Until death do us part." The priest looks at me and says, "Your turn." I nod. The priest says, "I Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n." I say, "I Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n." The priest says, "Take Michael Joseph Jackson." I say, "Take Michael Joseph Jackson." The priest says, "As my lawfully wedded husband." I smile and say, "As my lawfully wedded husband." The priest says, "To have and to hold." I say, "To have and to hold." The priest says, "From this day forward." I say, "From this day forward." The priest says, "For better, for worst." I say, "For better, for worst." The priest says, "For richer, for poorer." I say, "For richer, for poorer." The priest says, "In sickness and in health." I say, "In sickness and in health." The priest says, "Until death do us part." I smile and say, "Until death do us part." The priest says, "Bring forth the rings." Cheryl wheels herself up and hold the rings. We smile at her and collect the rings to give to each other. The priest says, "Do you Michael Jackson take Y/n Jackson-" I immediately blush as now I am officially Michael's wife. The priest says, "As your wife?" Michael smiles and say, "I do." I slip his ring onto his finger. The priest looks at me and says, "Do you Y/n Jackson take Michael Jackson as your husband?" I smile and say, "Of course I do." The building erupts in some laughter. The priest says, "Well, Michael you may now ki-"

A voice says, "Wait, you forgot to ask if anyone does not want them to get married? That was my queue, oh well, we gotta make it work." All cameras start to flashing faster and record even more but security immediately prevents this from happening. My face immediately frowns and I see it's my mother. I thought we were good. My mother says walking out, "Well, I don't want these two to get married?" I say, "Why? I thought we were good, I thought we started to mend stuff?" Quincy tried to drag my mother to sit down but my mother lets go and says, "Stop, I have a couple things to say." I look around and everyone is looking at my mother. Maria looks at her in anger. Mother says, "You don't deserve to be married. You ruined my own, so you don't deserve one." I say, "You shouldn't be putting our business on blast but no it was you that did it yourself." Mother says, "No it was you because I stupidly didn't abort you." Michael says, "Don't say that to your daughter. You are a sad woman. Just let your daughter get married." My mother laughs and then says, "No." Maria says, "Why are you doing this to her?" My mother says, "Awh Hillary, don't get involved, I don't want to have to disown you too." Maria says nothing but is still angry. I say, "Look, what do you want from me?" She smiles and says, "Hmmm let me think-" She actually stays and thinks. She then says, "My life back, my marriage and oh for you not to get married to Michael." I say, "I can't give you those stuff." My mother gets something out of her bag and raises it to the air.

A gun.

I start to panic immediately. She walks out shooting the roof making people scream and take cover while saying, "You will give me it back or else you'll die." I say, "But I can't." Michael immediately tries to get his security to get her but they aren't moving? They all work for my mother. Michael immediately blocks me from my mother. I say, "No Michael. I don't want you hurt." Michael says, "But-" I say, "No move now. I can deal with it." Michael hesitantly moves away but stays so close to me our bodies are touching. The panic grows all the way to my throat and I immediately say, "I can't give you your marriage back because you killed dad! You killed him and now you're going to kill me!" My mother smirks, "Well done, you've found my secret and you're right I am going to kill you. Thank you for being such a misery and a burden to this world. This world would be such a better place without you darlin'. I had the power to bring you into this world and now I have the power to take you out."

Before I could even react. She pulls the trigger and screams erupt in the building. I close my eyes tight.

This is the end of me now.

Or is it?

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