Chapter 39 :)

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Y/n's Pov

I try and control my balance gripping Michael's hand to the fullest. I feel Michael try and release so his hand can breathe but I can't. We get to the alter and Michael whispers, "What's wrong?" I say shakingly, "I think Leo is marrying my sister, look my mother is over there." Michael looks to where I am looking, and I realise my mother is looking right at us and I look away. Michael says, "It will be okay, I am here, okay?" I nod finally getting some air in. Michael is here, it won't be that bad. I get my act together look forward and smile.

Not within' seconds of smiling, I see my sister Maria walking down the aisle. My eyes get blurry, this is the first time seeing my sister in years. She looks amazing. I wipe my eyes. As I do so, I see Ivy right behind her and my smile wipes away immediately. I see Ivy smiling like a Cheshire cat, I shiver. I stay as calm as possible squeezing Michael's hand. I look back at the bride. We then make eye contact. She looks at me like she wants to run up and hug me but then something stops her and then she coldly looks at me and then looks back forward smiling at her nearly husband Leo who is now nearly crying now.

The music stops and all eyes are on Leo and Maria. I smile excited for Leo but not knowing how to feel about my sister. The priest starts speaking, "Leo Henandez, do you take Maria y/s/n to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part." Leo says shakingly, "I do." The priests draws his attention to Maria, "Maria y/s/n, do you take Leo Henandez to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part." Maria says smiling in tears now, "Of course I do!" The priest grins and says, "You have declared your consent before the church.  May the Lord in his goodness and strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined; men must not divide. Amen. You are now husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." They kiss and everyone starts screaming loud especially my mother who is first to rise. My dad is smiling and nodding while clapping. I clap along with Michael.

As everyone disperses getting ready for the reception we see Cheryl, who is sitting in a wheelchair. Cheryl says, "Hey guys, how are you?" Michael says, "I am good, how about you?" Cheryl says, "I am all good." Cheryl turns her head to me. "I can't read your face, what's going on Hun?" I say, "Well, I am at my sister's wedding unexpectedly." Cheryl says, "Isn't it a good thing?" I say, "I don't know, she never invited me, Leo did, and we are not on good terms nor am I with my mum, just my dad." Cheryl says, "Well, we can stick together!" I smile and nod. I turn around trying to find my dad, who is talking to mother. They look like they are arguing. I say nervously, "I am going to see why they are arguing." Michael says, "Want me to come with?" I say, "Nah, but if I need you, I'll get you." Michael nods I kiss his cheek and let go of his hand. I brush my hand through my hair. I say, "Hey dad! Mother..." She looks at me judging me. I say, "I know what you're going to say the usual bringing me down yada yada." Mother says, "I don't bring you down, I simply critique you." I roll my eyes so does dad. Mother says looking me up and down like I am dirt under her feet, "Why are you even here, your father dragged you in here right?" I say, "Hey, you're talking to your daughter not dirt and I was invited." Mother rolled her eyes, "I told Maria not to invite you." Dad says, "You still never change. You need to take a look at yourself in the mirror, I can't believe I saw anything good in you." He winces. Mother says, "I can say the same for you." I say, "Mother, you never fail to disgust me. I was invited by the groom, Leo. Michael's driver, I met him through Michael." Mother says, "You can't even fend for yourself, using Michael's money for your benefits." I hear a familiar voice. "I heard my name." I turn around and see Michael. "Hey, Ms. Y/s/n." She immediately changes her face and says, "Wow, nice to finally meet the Michael Jackson." Michael smiles but I can tell he is faking it to be nice. I smile and say, "Hey, Michael. Mother was just telling me how I am a potential gold digger! Oh, and mother this fake act isn't working. He knows what you did." Her face instantly changes into a frown. Mother says, "You guys date now?" Michael smiles and says, "Yes, ma'am. I am really lucky. And, nor is she a gold digger." Mother says, "Right." Dad says, "Can't wait for your wedding, you guys are the couple. I wish I had that." I say, "Don't worry dad, you'll get another chance." Dad smiles. I say, "Mother, I'd for once in my life appreciate you not looking at me like I am dirt and like I am your daughter. I came here strictly for my dreams, not for you by the way." Mother said, "Well, it has been a month and you aren't a pop star yet." Michael says, "She has been practicing to go on tour with me soon." Mother says, "I wasn't talking to you, was I?" I say raising my voice, "Don't talk to him like that." Mother says, "I honestly don't care. He knows how I am huh, he can see it for himself." Dad sighs. I say, "That doesn't give you a right to speak to him that way. Watch your tone, Veronica." No way in the world is this woman related to me, she is not my mother. Veronica steps forwards, "I am your mother, don't call me that or don't talk to me that way." I say, "Then, treat me like your bloody daughter because you have been nothing but disgusting to me, dad and Michael. I am not afraid of you no more." Veronica laughs and says. "Are you sure about that?" I say, "Never been this sure in my life." Veronica says, "Want me to lay it down on you?" I say, "Sure, don't ring my line ever after. Like you usually do for money and hate." Veronica smirks and says, "I never looked for you, because I never wanted you in the first place." Before I could say anything, Dad says, "She was no mistake at all." Michael says, "Don't speak to her that way." I say, "You're lucky that I have some human decency in my heart unlike you and I am not going to beat the shit out of you. You'll regret this though." Veronica says, "Fine by me. That's what I wanted to say to you, finally the tr-" Michael says, "How could you talk so badly about your own child? I am not one to cuss out anyone as much as I want to. But understand that is no way you talk to your child." Veronica laughs and says, "And, what are you going to do about it? Get your little fans to come find me." Michael says, "No. But, you need to learn a lesson. A child is a gift and never a burden. God gives you these things for a reason." Veronica says, "Hmmm you're right. Then, she's not my child." I see Michael getting angrier as each disgusting word comes out of my mother's mouth. Dad starts shouting, "She is not a burden. She is a gift. I should've never left her with such a witch like you." I say, "It's okay guys. She told me how she feels, I got it and she will regret it." Veronica laughs and simply turns around and walks away.

I cannot stand that woman at all. Michael goes to hug me. "Are you okay, my love?" He says. Instant butterflies fill my stomach. I smile and say, "I am in your arms now, how wouldn't I be?" I smile. I let go and say, "So, Dad how are you?" Dad says, "I mean I'm okay. I am really sorry for leaving you there with that witch. You don't deserve it." I say, "It's okay. Life is going great now. I have my happiness now." I look at Michael smiling who smiles back at me. I say, "Let's head to the reception." I hold Michael's hand and we head into the car as dad heads into his.

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