Chapter 46 :)

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Michael's Pov

I sit there holding Y/n's hand. I am so happy the world finally knows who she is. Life may be harder for her sadly but as long as I am with her, I am the happiest man.

"ON AIR IN 5 MINUTES NOW!" The same voice calls out. I say, "So, how was that?" Y/n says, "It felt really good, better than expected!" I say, "Glad you love it." Y/n says, "The second half though..." I say, "I know...I know. Let's get that over and done with." She nods and smiles hopefully. There are a bunch of people doing us up and getting us ready. I say, "Oh do you guys have water for me and my Mrs?" The person who is doing me up says, "Yes, I will get them right away!" The person runs and comes back within' 30 seconds. I smile and say, "Thank you." I take a sip of my water and put it down next to my feet. Y/n turns to me and says, "You ready?" I smile and say, "As I ever will be!" She smiles and squeezes my hand. "ON AIR IN 3, 2, 1!"

"Welcome back to the show everyone. Glad to have you back! If you are just joining us, we are with The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson and his newly announce girlfriend Y/n Y/l/n. So, back to the couple." Me and Y/n smile. Barbra says, "A question that has been itching the public. I guess they assumed you guys were a thing as soon as we had many sightings of you guys. Have you guys had sex yet?" Me and Y/n look at each other weirdly. I say, "We have only been together for around near a week. But that is stuff we keep behind closed doors and we would prefer not to share that with millions of people." I awkwardly smile. Barbra says, "Well, have you guys kissed?" I say, "Of course." Barbra says, "Well, some people have speculated that this whole relationship is fake. People believe this because they think you Michael are gay or asexual and you're trying to debunk this with this lady randomly popping into your life. Doesn't it make it look weird?" I sigh and say, "Like many times I have said. I am a straight man nothing else. Stop assuming things you don't know. It is nothing but lies. I love Y/n genuinely and with all my heart I would never fake being with her to prove a point. That is not how I function. I am not gay nor am I asexual. Please understand that." Y/n adds, "Michael has been chasing me. He could get any girl he wanted. I did refuse at points and stuff. If he wanted to prove a point, he could have got any girl from down the road, but he decided to put his time and effort into me. From what I am aware of Michael is not gay nor asexual. Please get it right." I smile in gratitude at y/n. Barbra says, "Okay, now y/n people believe you are only with Michael because you are a Gold-digger, or you want him to boost your upcoming solo career. Is this true?" Y/n looks annoyed and understandably she would, "Okay, let me get one thing straight. I am with Michael because I love the guy so much. I love Michael as Michael. I know Michael behind the scenes. I don't just see Michael as the King Of Pop, I see him as Michael Jackson a nice guy from Gary, Indiana. I am never going to be with someone for their money or for my career. I met Michael by accident, but I did not use that to my advantage. I am with someone for the same reason a wife is with their husband through love. I love Michael and that's why I am with him. Don't start spreading false rumours." I add, "I would never date someone who is with me for that. She probably knows me more than many of you know me. I get me being this big figure will target those people. But trust me I can easily spot one. Stop making my girlfriend look bad. She is the complete opposite." She squeezes my hand in gratitude too. Barbra says, "So, let's think about the future between you two lovebirds. What has the future got in store with both of you guys?" I say, "Well, who knows. The future is mysterious, isn't it? But, what I 100% know that we will 100% be here in the future together, I will make sure of it." Y/n says, "The future is different no one knows about it. But, like Michael said we will have each other. Love is so damn strong. It is hard to let go of it. I don't think you can ever let go of it. But the future will hopefully hold great things for each other." Barbra says, "So, do you guys want kids? If so, how many?" I say, "That's a cute question. I love kids so does y/n. We would love to have kids in the future. Not right now we have careers to focus on. But we love helping children. In fact, we will be going to a local orphanage right after this! But I would love as many kids as possible." Y/n smiles, "Yes of course, I love kids. They bring pure love and hope. Not right now I have to focus on my career. But I would love three kids if we have more I am not complaining." Barbra says, "Speaking of career, Michael, we hear you have potential new music coming out." I smile brightly smile, "Maybe, maybe not. You'll see." Barbra says, "That's nice! We are so excited Michael. Y/n you are about to put your debut album soon? How are you feeling?" Y/n says excitedly, "Amazing. My first album is really good, and it features the one and only King Of Pop. We are actually filming a bit of a music video today! I hope you guys love my album!" Barbra says, "That is lovely. We can't wait to get to know your music side y/n." Barbra turns to the camera and say, "That is all we have time for today. Thank you so much for your time Michael, y/n. Thank you guys for being here and watching the show, it was amazing having you. See you next week. Bye!"

Y/n's Pov

I sigh a sign of relief. It is finally over. Barbra says, "Thank you so much for coming in today!" Michael says, "No worries. Thank you for having us!" I nod in agreement. Barbra says, "It was nice meeting you both. Have a good day." I say, "Wait can we get a picture together. Not going to lie I loved watching your talk show when I was younger and stuff and now, I am on it." Barbra says, "Of course!" Someone takes a camera and takes a picture of Me, Michael and Barbra. I say, "Can you print it out and send it to our hotel room? Thank you so much." The man that took the picture nods and walks away. Barbra says, "Have a nice day and thank you once again!" We nod and wave goodbye.

As we head closer and closer outside, we hear a lot of people screaming and shouting mostly Michael's name. We head out where the sun is shining brightly. The cameras are flashing loudly and the crowd is roaring. Michael and me wave. Then, a little girl is at the front looking sad and lonely, but she is getting pushed. She isn't even clean; she is dressed in rags.

I let go of Michael's hand and go and reach for her. The bodyguards instantly come closer towards me. Michael turns and walks over to where we are. I pick up the child and hug her she instantly starts crying and she relaxes in my arms. I say, "Does anyone have a scarf I can have?" Someone in the crowd hands me a scarf. I cover the little one's face for privacy. She says, "I am sowy, I am wuining you'we dwess awe'nt I?" I say, "It's okay love. What's your name?" She says, "Mawcey." I put her down but right infront of me. I crouch down and say, "Marcey, that's a cute name. Where's your mother?" She says, "I don't have one. I live with this wandom lady. She is not a good lady." I say, "Why are you here by yourself?" Marcey says, "Well, I wan away. I can't live there. And, then I came here because I seen Michael Jackson." Michael comes forward and says, "Here I am." The girl immediately goes to hug Michael. It was a cute sight. Michael says, "How old are you, Marcey?" Marcey puts 3 fingers up. Wow she's really intelligent to be able to talk at the age of 3. Michael walks up to the bodyguard and whispers to him and then comes back. Michael says, "Marcey, you'll have to come with us. Those huge men right there are trying to find your home, alright?" Marcey nods slowly. I felt an instant connection to her. I kind of see myself in her. Michael picks her up double covering her with the scarf.
We wave goodbye to everyone and head into the car.

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