Chapter 3- Outside the box

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y/n Pov

"Hey Quincy!" I say, still in shock that I just met Michael Jackson. Quincy reply, "Wow, you are really different, I would've been expecting you to be all over him and screaming." He looks impressed, but if only he knew what was going through my mind...I respond, "Haha, I'm not that type of person, he is a really good singer, he does inspire me, but don't let him know that!" Quincy nods. I then say, "So, let's begin." Quincy says, "Sure, what song do you have?" I quickly rummage through my bag for my special notebook, it is this notebook I write my lyrics and my feelings. I take it out and I turn the pages quickly, I finally find the lyrics and it is called 'L.O.V.E'. Me and Quincy start talking about it and making the beat to it, the beat gave me mysterious but disco vibes, I loved it! It is the end of our session sadly, I did not want to end, it was so good, I am so excited to hear my voice added into it! I say my goodbyes to Quincy, and I walk out with relief and happiness.

As I was walking, I suddenly remember I have to go to Ivy's place for some unknown reason. Ivy is literally my best friend and has forever been my best friend. I have so much love for her, and she has never left my side and has been with me through thick and thin and my darkest days, been there with me ever since Jay was diagnosed and his death, I could not have asked for a better friend, she is the best. The least I can do is help her out or does what she wants me to do. I get on the bus all the way to Ivy's house, it did not take that long, she lives quite close to Quincy's studio. I get off the bus and go to Ivy's apartment. I am about to knock and the door opens.

Ivy grins and says, "I have been expecting you!" She skips back inside. I smile back while walking after her and I shut her door, "So no hey, what are you so excited about?" I was honestly confused, did she get a new boyfriend or something? She finally responds, "We are going to the club!" My smile quickly wipes of my face, "No." Ivy says, "Why not, I told you we need a way to get your mind of Jay and here it is." I say, "You know I can do that in my own time, I can't move on like that." Ivy says look a bit sad, "Girl, it has been 2 years, trust me, I get it, but maybe try and make new friends I guess, you only really talk to me like." I consider this offer. "Umm fine, you're lucky, I'm in a good mood!" I roll my eyes smiling. Ivy jumps excitedly and then says, "So, how was your studio session?" I start grinning from ear to ear, I then say finally sighing, "I... Met...Michael...Jackson." Ivy starts laughing, I look at her weirdly. Ivy says giggling, "I know you lying girl." I look her dead in the eye while smiling, my heart beating fast, "I'm not I swear." She opens her mouth wide and screams so loud, then sits down trying to calm down, "So, what happen, oh my god!" I say, "Well, I walked in and he was there singing a song, it was such a good song, and his voice was phenomenal, he then stares and smiles at me for a bit, then introduces himself, you're gonna hate me for this..." She tilts her head, "Why, don't tell me you didn't confess your love to him, that you used to and may continue to have, like you planned to, at least you got his autograph or a picture right?" I respond looking to the ground, "No." Ivy opens her mouth wide, "Girl, why? You just met the legend Michael Jackson, and you didn't even- Girl what did you do instead?" I say, "I don't really know, I acted like a jerk, he did see the picture in my bag of him though." My cheeks burn red. Ivy says, "Ugh, girl I will never understand you, anyways, do you want to eat anything or nah?" I say, "No thanks." Ivy says smiling and jumping up out of the sofa, "Okay let's get ready!"

She takes my hand and drags me into her room, her desk is full of makeup and hair extensions and hair accessories. She looks at me and says, "Sit down then, we don't have all day." I do what she says. I start to hum the bit Michael sang in the studio while Ivy was playing around with my hair and Makeup. Half an hour later, she is done. I actually have not look this good in 2years, I look at myself for a couple seconds. My hair is all wavy and flowy, I am wearing a red hair claw clip holding part of my hair. I am wearing red lipstick and red eyeshadow, I guess the theme is red. Ivy goes to her closet and brings out this red jumpsuit, it looked really cute to be honest. I go into the bathroom and wear it. I look amazing, the last time I dressed this cute was when me and Jay were going on our very last date a month before he died...I smile with a few tears in my eyes and look down at my ring. I say, "I love you always, Jay." I take the ring off and leave it in the bathroom. I guess I can try, it is worth trying to move on. I rub my eyes so Ivy cannot tell I was crying, and I walk out with jazz hands beaming. Ivy says, "You look amazing, all those boys in the club will instantly fall for you!" I hug Ivy and say, "Thank you so much, I love you Ivy." I feel Ivy smile and she says, "No worries, I want what's best for you." She lets go and hands me a red purse and some red heels. I wear the red heels and sit on the bed and wait for Ivy to finish getting ready. I lay on the bed, I keep on thinking of that song Michael sang, I really want to hear all of it. My eyes start to shut slowly and the next thing I know is Ivy is shaking me awake. I wake up and she is wearing this red short dress, with her little afro, a red hairband, and she was wearing red flats and wore a red bum bag. I say to Ivy, "You look cute girl!" Ivy says, "Thank you, we are nearly late let's go!" I get up and walk out the door with Ivy.

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