Chapter 9- Confusion

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Michael's Pov

Me and y/n are sitting and talking in the car. Today, has been amazing could not have gone any better and we get to go and get lunch! I stare in her eyes as she is talking and she says, "Hello, Michael are you listening" I blink and say, "Yes I am, I swear!" She says laughing, "What was the last thing I said?" I look at her awkwardly. She says, "Ugh, I was saying about when I was younger and all the things I did." I nod and actually start paying attention. She is literally so dreamy I can stare at her all day.

The car finally stops, and we are at my favourite place right now, KFC. I may be vegetarian but it I like KFC chicken, okay? She says, "Aren't you like vegetarian or something?" I say, "Uh yes, but I love KFC chicken, I cannot resist it!" She says laughing, "Fair enough, it is my fave too!" I smile even more, we have the same favourite food even better! She puts on her sunglasses, so do I and we head out to KFC. We walk to the counter and I see Richie the person that is always at the counter when I go. I say, "Hey Richie." Richie responds, "Hey, Mike, how are you?" I say, "Really good, how about you?" Richie says, "I'm good, who is this fine young lady next to you?" I glare at him, I know I've just met y/n and I know we are just friends but I cannot help getting jealous due to the fact that any man can get her before me. Richie notices, "Oh, your girlfriend I see." Although, she is not my girlfriend, I like how people think that of us. Y/n looks at me. I say, "We are not dating, we are friends." I awkwardly laugh. Richie says smiling, "Oh okay. So, normal order?" I nod. Then, Richie to y/n and looks her up and down, "How about you, darling?" She glares at him for some odd reason, I thought she would not mind, but she does not like it. She says annoyed, "I am not darling to you, my name is y/n. Call me that please. Same as Michael please." I start to smile. Richie walks off looking embarrassed. I whisper to y/n, "Literally every girl likes to be complimented by any man, how come you do not like it." She shrugs and says, "I just don't like getting complimented like that, never have since-" She stops. I say, "Since?" She says, "Don't worry." Richie comes back with our order and says, "Here you guys go, I do apologise for acting like that y/n. But, if you ever need a date-" Before he carries on y/n walks off and says, "Have some self-respect man!" She goes to sit down. I look at Richie annoyed then I go and sit down. I say, "I am really sorry about that, he normally does not act like this." Y/n's face quickly changes and says, "No, don't apologise, it's fine, I just hate men like that." I say, "Why, I mean I did the same thing and you did not say anything." She sighs and takes some chips and eats it, "Well, Michael, you're kind of the biggest superstar in the world right now, I'm surprised no one has found you here-" I cut her off and say laughing, "I am a vegetarian in a KFC restaurant." She laughs too, "As I was saying, I can't really be mean to the biggest superstar in the world like that." I choke on my chips and laugh, "Weren't you the person that shouted at me and threw water at my face." She says, "Don't remind me, I am really sorry about that still, but um you're just lucky I take your compliments I guess." I smile at her and she smiles back. She then says while drinking her Pepsi, "Well, um are you going to tell me why you were upset this morning?" I drop my food and look down. I then look up seeing she is staring at me and being patient with me. I say, "Well, my best friend...She has cancer...She is not doing well at like we thought she was going to do, it randomly just switched up and she is currently practically on her death bed and I went to see her today." Tears form in my eyes. I look at y/n and she is weirdly crying too, does she know Cheryl or something? I say quivering, "Why are you crying? Do you know her?" She says quietly, "No I don't, but I feel your pain..." I say, "What happened?" She says, "Don't worry." I say, "You can trust me you-" She says, "Woah it's getting hot let us go-" I say, "It is really cold, you're wearing a jersey that is keeping you warm, so-" She says, "Oh you're not leaving, I'll just go." With that she walks out leaving me confused and sad. What do I keep doing wrong?

Y/n's Pov

With tears rolling down my eyes, I head outside not knowing really where to head. Many memories flash back into my head uncontrollably. My head is spinning and I feel sick. I sit in an alleyway to steady myself for a bit, I hear a car pull up. Michael comes out and says, "Get in, why did you walk out on me?" I shout, "Leave me alone, I am not a child, I can do things by myself you know?" I get up and carry on walking. Michael shouts, "Look, just come in and we can talk" I say, "Michael leave me alone for once, I don't need your help!" Michael says, "You cannot keep getting angry, when there is something, you clearly need to let out, so you can talk to me." I shout with tears in my eyes, "Michael Jackson, we just met like a couple days ago, why do you care so much about me huh, you literally have the life I want to live and everything." Michael says, "I don't have a reason I just do, so just tell me what is wrong with you!" I say, "Jay, leave me al-" I did not just say what I think I said. At this point, I'm pretty sure Michael is shocked too as I do not hear him again, and I walk crying all the way to Ivy's house. I need her right now.

I knock on her door and she opens it. She says, "Hey, gi-, you have been crying." I walk into her house and just sob. Ivy embraces me and I finally gain the words to tell her everything that happened I say, "Well, today was going well, me and Michael hung out and stuff and I'm now his new duet partner for two of his songs on his album!" Ivy says weirdly, "Good for you, now why are you crying?" I am shocked by her reaction but I am too sad to think about it. I carry on, "Well, me and Michael went to lunch of course and then he told me about his best friend who is dying of cancer, I start crying because cancer is a sensitive subject for me. He asks me why am I crying, so I say I feel your pain, and he says what happened and I say don't worry and he keeps pressuring me to answer and then I walk on and everything comes back to me like it was just yesterday. Michael follows me and we argue back and forth and I then call him Jay-" I start crying again. Ivy looks shocked, "This is why I tell you try and get over him try too and now look." I carry on crying. Ivy says, "But, congrats on your duet and stuff lucky you..." She says this sarcastically but I ignore it, I cannot argue with any more people. Ivy leaves the room to the bathroom and then comes out and tosses my ring. I say half smiling, "Thank you, Ivy, love you." Ivy says smiling, "Love you too girl!" I say, "I'm quite busy this week due to me recording and dancing with Michael, awkward times, can I stay over at yours today?" Ivy nods. "Su-" The phone rings, Ivy picks it up. Her face smiles from ear to ear. "Oh hey, how are you, it's been a few since I seen ya." I reckon it's one of her flings, so I sit back. Then, her face drops, "Oh." Ivy gives the phone to me and says, "For you." She sits back down annoyed. I say quietly, "Hello?" The voice says, "Hey, um, it's Michael." I say, "Why won't you leave me alone and how did you get this number?" Michael says, "Well, Ivy gave me her number and I knew you'd go to her house." I say, "Whatever. Don't call me again. See you tomorrow." Michael says, "Y/n..." I cut the phone off. I say, "I'm going to sleep." Ivy says, "Aight girl." I go to Ivy's bed and collapse onto it. I have too many thoughts in my head. How will it be like between me and Michael tomorrow? Is it time to move on? Do I tell Michael everything? Do I tell him how I feel? I eventually shut my eyes and fall asleep.

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