Chapter 34 :)

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Y/n's Pov

"Honey, make sure it is what you want. Not that I am pressuring you because I want to be Michael Jackson's father-in-law and stuff." We both laugh. I say, "It is what I want dad." Dad says, "When will you tell hi-? Y/n what are you looking at? Hello?" I see Michael standing there ordering food. He then turns to me, and I realise we are both staring at each other. "Earth to Y/n?" Dad says. I finally get my words out and say, "Speaking of the devil..." Dad turns and then shouts, "Michael Jackson huge fan! I know you know my daughter; we have been h-" I roll my eyes and say, "Dad stop." Dad says, "Okay, okay sorry. Michael come sit over here!" I get nervous as he approaches. I then say, "Leo you too, if you want." Leo comes over and sits next to my dad while Michael sits next to me. Michael says, "Hey, long time no see." I say, "I saw you yesterday." Michael says, "Enjoy the show?" Dad says sounding gutted, "Wait there was a show? I would've come." I say, "I thought you would be busy packing and stuff." Dad says, "Fair enough." He starts eating again. I say, "I actually did before I had to leave." Michael says, "Oh I heard what happened. I am so sorry." I say, "I mean it is on TV, they call me MJ's mystery girl." Michael says, "Ignore it." I say, "MJ's mystery girl has a ring to it." We both laugh. We both look into each other's eyes, and it feels like just how we met. Dad breaks it and says, "So, Michael I was saying, huge fan and all can I get your autograph, well two, one to keep and one to sell." I hit my dad and say, "Dad!" Dad says, "What, do you know how much his signatures cost?" I roll my eyes and sit there. "Oh, hey Leo." Leo says, "Hey." I say, "Isn't your wedding tomorrow how come you are out?" Leo says, "I need to escape Maria's demands!" Dad stops midway in his sentence and says, "That's my daughters name?" I say, "That's what I thought." Dad says, "She's getting married tomorrow..." I say, "Dad, don't worry it's a coincidence. I am going to his wedding tomorrow. I do hope it's not Maria though." Dad says, "For the sake of humanity, same." Dad goes back and turns to Michael and carries on talking. Michael and Leo's food come, and they both start eating.

"Let's cut to the chase Michael. What are your intentions with my daughter?" I choke on my Pepsi. I say after catching my breath, "The fuck you asking that for dad?" Dad says, "Language." I say, "I am not a child no more dad." Dad says, "Fair enough, anyways just before you tell him." Michael looks at me and says, "Tell me what?" I say, "Uh...Uh." Dad says, "Leo, let's go, let's leave them to talk." Leo nods and they both leave.

"So..." I say. Michael says, "Your dad's a very nice man." I say, "Despite what has happened, he has been the best. He loves you, you know. Just like I love yo-" I quickly look down. Michael says, "You love me?" I say, "Um I do have a huge crush on you." I nervously laugh. Michael smiles at me. We look into each others eyes and the next thing I know my lips are touching his. It felt so right and so magical. I had to remember that I was in KFC not heaven. We break away still looking into each others eyes and Michael breaks the silence, "So, that's a yes right?" I look at him beaming and say, "Yes Mr. Michael Jackson. I will be your girlfriend." He picks me up and twirls me around. He says, "You have made me the happiest man, Mrs. Jackson." I look at him smiling with an eyebrow raise, "Mrs. Jackson, woah there buddy." I laugh and Michael says, "Eventually."

Dad comes over screaming like a fangirl but then changes his persona and says to Michael, "Keep her happy, been the longest time I have ever seen her that way." Michael says, "Yes sir." I hug dad. Dad says, "Never in a billion years would I think my daughter would be dating Michael Jackson." I say, "Same, never thought this trip would go like this." I laugh. Michael says, "Never thought the most beautiful girl ever would be mine." I say, "Thank you, you're making me blush." Michael kisses my cheek. Dad says, "This reminds me of when I was young, and I was with your mother. Sucks she's corrupted now and ruined the family." I say, "I hope she comes around and apologises." Dad says, "Same." Leo says, "I have to go in like an hour, wedding things." I nod. Michael says, "Can we drive with you Leo?" I say, "I can walk home again." Michael says, "No, baby, you can come with me to Neverland." I say, "Sure. But I need to go and get my clothes for the wedding." Michael says, "We can it up on the way there." I nod and smile and squeeze Michael's hand. Dad says, "Awe look at you kids, young love birds." I laugh and so does Michael. Dad says, "Let's take a picture, going to show this to all my work friends and be like I met Michael Jackson." We laugh and then post for a picture. I decide to put the peace sign up and so does Michael. Leo just smiles. I say, "Dad print me a copy." He nods. Dad says, "Okay kids, I will see you soon. I am in town for a while too, I made it longer." I say, "Yes!" Dad says, "Bye, I love you y/n. Leo and Michael great to meet you." Michael says, "You too, sir." Dad says, "Call me Malik, Michael, sir, Mr and all that stuff make me feel old." Michael says, "Okay, Malik!" Dad says, "Good." Leo says, "Good to meet you, Malik." Dad smiles at him. I go and hug Dad and say, "See you soon. I love you and tell me how the wedding goes." Dad says, "Yes, love." He smiles, waves and walks out.

Leo says, "We have to go guys now!" I say, "Sure." Michael goes and quickly pays for him and Leo's food. He then takes my hand, and we walk out of the KFC and go to the car.

Michael says, "We are going to the back, back of the car." I say, "Um, okay?" We pull the chair forward and head to the back. Leo can't see us and no one else can through the window. I say, "This place is comfortable." Michael says, "I only share it with someone special." Michael then kisses me; I kiss him back. I take of his hat, and I start stroking his hair as we kiss. I feel Michael's arms rubbing my back, I shiver. He moves me up to his lap as we carry on kissing. Michael says, "Now I have marked my territory." I say, "You're a good kisser, Michael." Michael says, "I know." We both laugh. Michael says, I have a question." I say, "What is it?" Michael says, "This relationship, do you want it to be kept public or private?" I say, "Doesn't everyone know?" Michael says, "I mean yeah. But, it will be worse and stuff than it is." I say "Michael look, all I care is about loving you. If they find out, I said yes. If that comes with loving you, I will do anything." Michael says, "It's just you and me against the world, whatever happens." I say squeezing his hand and resting my head on his shoulder, "I know baby."

As me and Michael are talking Leo says, "Sorry not to ruin anything, but we are at your apartment y/n. Please hurry and get your things now!" I nod. Michael says, "You're spending the night and the day after because we have studio after the wedding." I say, "Okay, I will take like 10 minutes." Michael nods and I quickly get out of the car and rush to my apartment.

I finally get in and get my already laid out wedding outfit. I put it in a big dry cleaner's bag. After, I grab some pyjamas, a tracksuit, hair equipment, perfume, jewellery and some makeup and put it in a bag. I think about how I am officially Michael Jackson's girlfriend. I feel so happy, and I finally have my life in line.

I sigh but then quickly rush out of the house and go to the car. Leo says, "Got everything?" I say, "Yes." Leo says, "Okay you guys can go back to your love making now." I say, "Leo!" Leo says, "But, did I lie?" I say, "It was only kissing." I laugh while rolling eyes. Leo says, "Yeah, yeah." I say, "Mind yah business and drive." Leo laughs and says, "Whatever." I get into the back of the car and Michael says, "Hey Shawty." I say, "Never again." Michael laughs and says, "I am just playing. Hey mine and mine only." I smile and kiss him on the cheek as we head to Neverland.

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