Chapter 51 :)

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Michael's Pov

I run towards the receptionist and hand her Marcey quickly and then I run as fast as lighting to y/n. I grab her waist and lift her up. I shout, "Y/n stop! Stop!" Y/n squirms around like a worm in my arms. She is really cute when she is angry. What am I saying? This ain't the time or place. I say, "It's okay baby. They are nearly here. They will deal with her." As she hears my voice, I feel her body relax and let go. The lady is still on the floor holding her face in agony. I look at y/n and say, "Violence is never the answer." She smirks and says, "Says the person that sang." She sings, "Beat it, beat it. No one wants to be defeated. Show them how funky and strong is your fight. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right. Just beat it!" I laugh so loud. She says, "I guess I took them literally." She shrugs and smiles. She walks to the receptionist and grabs still sleeping Marcey who is sucking her thumb. Y/n is gently rocking her side to side. Marcey is really a cute child.

I peer over at the women who is now sitting back on her chair with tears in her eyes and still grabbing her cheek angrily. She says, "I thought you were nice." I say, "But, you hurt her. I don't like people who hurt people, especially children."

Suddenly, I hear the hotel doors open and the police and a man in front of them. He heads straight for the lady. Y/n walks forward holding Marcey who seems to has woken up from her sleep. She was smiling then she sees her mother and she immediately frowns and curls up to y/n.

The man says to me, "Hello I am the social worker and policeman Malcom. Nice to meet you Mr. Jackson." I say, "Nice to meet you too." Y/n comes next to me and says, "I am y/n. Nice to meet you." Malcom says, "I am Malcom. Nice to meet you. Hey Marcey, nice to see you again!" Marcey waves then brings her hand back to y/n's chest. Malcom looks at the lady and then back at us, "You got her good huh?" Y/n says, "She said she doesn't know why she hurt Marcey, and it was a mistake. She confessed." The lady stays quiet still crying. Malcom says, "Come on boys." The police come forward and Malcom says, "You are under arrest for the suspicions of child abuse and child neglect. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Everything you say from here on out will be used against you in the court of law." The police push her up and handcuff her. She does as they say glaring at us and then they walk out.

Malcom says, "So, what we will do is get her other kids from the home right away unless there is a legal guardian there. Now with Marcey...We will have to put her in an orphanage for now." I say, "Well, we wanted to adopt her but we cannot yet so we want to take her back on this flight we have tomorrow and put her near an orphanage near us so we can visit her and stuff." Malcom stands there and thinks. Then, he takes a phone and calls a number and starts pacing up and down. "...Yes...No...Yes...Could that happen? Marcey does like them. Sign papers? Alright. Thanks. I will catch up with you as early as dawn. Bye now." Y/n says while Marcey is walking about smiling in awe at the lobby, "So?" Malcom says, "Yes you can. I mean not going to lie if it wasn't Michael Jackson right there, we would not have allowed it." I roll my eyes a bit at that. He carries on, "Well, you can take Marcey. But, as soon as you land you take her there. If we do not hear from any nearby orphanages tomorrow about Marcey. We will arrest you. Alright?" We both nod smiling. Malcom says, "You just need to sign these papers." He hands us papers and we quickly sign it. Malcom takes them and says, "Alright. It was lovely working with you tonight. Mr. Jackson and Ms. Y/n." Marcey is coming towards us and says, "Am I staying? Am I staying?" I crouch down and say, "Yes but only for half a day this time. We will always come and visit you when we can in your new temporary home!" Marcey hugs me and says, "So no mowe evil lady?" I shake my head. Marcey says, "Yay, thank you guys both so much. I love you guys." Yn says, "We love you too Mars." Malcom says, "I'm going to head out now. Have a nice night." I say, "You too. Thanks for everything." Malcom says, "My pleasure." Y/n says, "You too, Malcom. It was great working with you." Malcom said, "You too. Bye." Malcom walks out of the building.

I put Marcey on my shoulders as we head into our hotel room. I say, "Zoommmm." Marcey says laughing, "You are so fast, Applehead!" I giggle and y/n is walking behind us smiling. I can't wait for the day we have our own child. I am so excited for that day. Hmm what would I name my child? Maybe after me? Maybe after y/n? What about Prince Michael Joseph Jackson jr.?

Y/n's Pov

Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr.. It has a ring to it. I think that is what I would name the child, after Michael, and I just love the name Prince. I cannot wait to have my own kids now. I love Michael so much and I can see our little family together. I smile as I head into the hotel room.

I sigh. "I am so tired and it's only 8:30pm." I say. Marcey says sitting next to me, "Well my bedtime was 7:30." I say, "Well we better get you to bed then!" Marcey says, "No please I am not tired." I say, "Marcey you have to come on..." Marcey says, "Why?" I say, "You have a big day tomorrow." Marcey says, "Fine." I say, "Let me get you dressed."

I get Marcey dressed in some pjs and put her down to sleep in a guest room of the hotel room. Michael is already laying there he seems to be sleeping already so I head into the bathroom and dress up in some silk shorts and a short sleeve, buttoned, silk matching shirt. I remove the headband and then I tie my hair. After I wipe my makeup off and head out to seeing Michael looking up at the ceiling. I slide in next to him and say, "What are you thinking about?" Michael says, "What we would name our first child if we had one." I blush and say, "I actually thought about it a couple minutes ago you know. But I decided on Prince Michael Joseph Jackson. After you." Michael beams and says, "I thought the exact same thing. I guess we are sorted. But what if it is a girl?" I say, "Hmmm maybe Paris." Michael says, "That's a cute name. What about Paris Michael Katherine Jackson?" I giggle and say, "Do they all really have to be named after you?" Michael giggles and say, "You have a point...Maybe Paris Katherine Y/n Jackson. Named after the two most important women in my life right now." I smile and says, "It has a ring to it." We laugh.

We look each other dead in the eyes. His eyes sparkling like the millions of stars in the sky. It is sweating a ton in here though. Michael is sweating. I start to caress his cheek. I feel a sticky substance on my thumb I look at it and realise it is foundation. I look back at his cheek and I see a white mark. I look at it. Michael's smile lowers a bit, "What?" I say, "Michael, is that like a scar or like white paint on your face?" I show him my thumb. And he instantly holds his cheek in shock and runs in the bathroom.

The door looks and I knock, "Michael? Michael? What's wrong?" No answer. I say, "Michael please open up." He starts to sob. I say, "No baby don't cry. You will make me cry. Michael just talk to me." No answer. "Michael, I love you no matter what. Just talk to me." No answer. "Well, I am not going to sleep. I will sit right here and wait for you I don't care how long. I just want to know if you are okay." I wait and sit there in silence then I hear Michael say, "You'll think I am a freak. If anyone finds out, they'll think I am ugly." I say, "No, no Michael. I won't trust me. You never will be a freak or ugly to me. You will be my handsome baby boy, always." Michael says sniffling, "No soul knows apart from my mother." I say, "Michael talk to me. Open the door."

I wait a couple more minutes and finally the door opens, and Michael has makeup running down where his tears have been and still are. I can see small white patches on his face. I look at him for a second and his eyes are filled with sadness. In a mist of a second, I go up to him and kiss all of his face. I finish kissing his face and say, "Michael you still look handsome as ever. Why did you think that I will see you as a freak?" Michael says, "Because I-" I say, "You know what it's fine. I love you. You're still the Applehead I know. The handsome Michael I met. The man I ought to marry. You don't have to hide from me." Michael says, "I love you." I say smiling, "I love you too, Applehead." He grabs my waist as I grab his neck. We kiss for what felt like forever. We let go and head into the bed.

Michael turns off the lamp. I cuddle next to Michael who is holding my hip. I instantly fall asleep in his arms almost immediately.

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