"Wait!" Marcie lowered the axe and Rick searched the biter, pulling out a wallet,

"Wayne Dunlap. Georgia license. Born in 1979. He had $28 in his pocket when he died... And a picture of a pretty girl." He pulled out the photo and read from the back, "With love, from Rachel." He used to be like us... Worrying about bills or the rent or the Super Bowl. If I ever find my family, I'm gonna tell them about Wayne."

"One more thing..." Glenn stated, "He was an organ donor."

"Good one." Marcie smirked before hacking away at the walker's abdomen. Guts and blood began to pool out across the concrete floor and the others backed away, covingyr their noses from the stench.

"I'd rather take the sewer than this." Vivian muttered,

Marcie lowered the axe and stuck her hand inside the bite, taking out its' insides. She began to rub it over her poncho. Everyone began to follow suit, rubbing the blood over Rick and Glenn,

"I am so gonna hurl." Glenn grumbled,

"Not over me, you're not." Vivian told him, putting an intestine over his shoulder,

"Think about something else... Puppies and kittens." Rick encouraged,

"Dead puppies and kittens." T-Dog muttered, causing Glenn to turn around and puke,

Vivian stepped away. At least she couldn't smell the puke over the stench of the walker insides.

"That is just evil. What is wrong with you?" Andrea asked T-Dog,

"Next time let the cracker beat his ass." Jacqui stated,

"You suck." Glenn muttered,

"Do we smell like them?" Rick asked after their ponchos were covered in dark red.

"Pretty hard not to." Vivian commented, covering her nose in her elbow,

It was gonna be a hard smell to get rid of, too.

"If we make it back, be ready." Rick ordered,

"What about Merle Dixon?" T-Dog asked,

Rick reached into his pocket and tossed him the handcuff key. Marcie handed him the axe and took her knife out of its' sheath, prepared to use it at any moment if the herd attacked them,

Vivian walked over to Glenn and held out her crowbar, "Don't die on me, Glenn."

He took it from her, "I'll try not to." He sighed,

They stumbled into the alley and the two walkers didn't give them a second glance. The trio crawled underneath the bus before standing up in the street.

Marcella walked slowly through the street, trying not to draw any attention to herself.

The clouds above them were dark and she could hear thunder in the distance. If it rained, they were screwed.

Marcie led them down the street, Glenn and Rick close behind. She mentally cursed as she felt the first drops of water coming from the sky,

"If they smell you," Marcie whispered, "Run."

The rain fell harder. She looked down and noticed the red water covering the street below her. The guts were washing away.

"The smell's washing off. Isn't it? Is it washing off?" Glenn questioned,

"No, it's not." Rick answered before looking over at Marcie, "Well, maybe."

She gripped her knife tighter, "Get ready." She said quietly,

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