Remake Of The Puppeteer's Playhouse

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Yandere Error X Ink

Request by Inkglitch2129

Aqilah: This from the previous chapter that I unpublished, actually Glitchypaint is my little sister's request and...

I unpublished because of them. So I decided myself to remake a new one which is not a pedo, I don't know that was a pedo story until I found out like 3 months ago. So here's the remake one and if you hate it.

Get the **** out of here and read someone's book. I don't want to see any complaining about this. It's for my sister's b'day tomorrow.


Ink heard about the news that some of the Sanses AUs are missing including his friends. Whether they're dead or being kidnap. He has to save them before it's too late.

But the problem is, there are no clues in each AUs. It is really hard for him to think but he will never gives up until he finds them. Meanwhile, he doesn't know someone was stalking him from the portal.

The kidnapper knows what was he up too. He smirked that soon Ink will be his. Forever in his life.

Ink been searching for like days already and only a few clues but still it's not enough. He is now being a detective here. This makes him chuckles but forcing about this.

He asked every AUs that are still alive if some of them saw them and asked when they disappeared. One of the AUs told him that they saw a blue strings wraps around their Sans and pull away to nowhere.

The artist knows who is he so he decided to go to the Anti-Void to meet Error. "Error! Error! Are you here???" He calls his name but he isn't here. He was so confused that Error rarely go outside except seeking for attention or destroying them.

Ink was about to leave but someone just knows him out making him fall to the ground. He tries to stay away to see who was that person but his eye sockets are about to close.

But he managed to see who was is and surprise that who knocked him out and soon Ink passed out. The next day, he woke up from his slumber and  noticed that he was someone's room.

He isn't chained up or tie which is good thing for him opportunity to escape. He sat up and found a note. He unfolds it and begins to read.

Welcome to my game Inky, I just want to play with you! If you win this game, I'll let you and the others free but if you... You know what happens next...

This game is a hide and seek, I'll be the seeker and you'll be the hider, it's a simple kids game. Find the way out of this place and also be careful where are you going... One of your friends have to betray you to find you so they could live. Good luck my soon to be lover~

From The Puppeteer

Ink knows it was Error by his handwriting. That glitch really needs to practice to makes it more creative instead of scrambling. At least he managed himself to read it.

He rolls the paper into a ball and throw it away from the back. "Soon to be lover huh, tch that ain't happen. I'll win this for sure Error! I'll win!" Ink said putting his hands on his hip, filled with determination.

Yandere sanses AUs one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now