Another Rarest Ship/My Sweet Blueberry

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Yandere Nightmare X Geno

Request by: Ships01

Yandere Horror X Blue

Request by: TheSparkleUnicorn1


Yandere Nightmare X Geno

Geno waited for Reaper to returned. It's already like days and he was so worried about him. He has a child name Goth. They both got married for 4 years and now has a cute son.

Until Reaper hasn't returned home. He tries to call him but his phone didn't answer so he decided himself to go outside and find him with his son but does he know that it was a bad idea?

Meanwhile, Reaper been trapped in a cell being powerless because of Nightmares. That yandere is trying to take his lover ans his son away from him. He doesn't know why he loves him so much as much as he do.

Nightmare just only chuckles at him and went up to his throne room. He told the Murder Time Trio to kidnap Geno. The MTT nodded at him and begins to find him.

For Geno and Goth, they are looking for Reaper and it's almost a minutes. While they're on their way, his son told his mother that he is hungry. Geno nods at him and find a place to eat.

He is very lucky that he brought some foods and drinks for him and his son. He give his son a sandwich and a bottle of water. Goth grabs it and eat it. His mother isn't hungry right now and he has to keep an eye if someone dares to hunt them down.

It was getting dark and they still haven't find Reaper. Goth is getting very tired and Geno noticed him. Goth's mother carried him up and keep finding his lover. Until the Murder Time Trio stand his path.

He was shocked to see them as he quickly run away from them. Killer pulled out his knife, Dust summoned his bones and Horror pull out his axe at block his way.

Geno is trying to get away from them but the bones been summoned and blocked his way. He was trapped with his son as Horror knocked him out.


Nightmare was wait for the Murder Time Trio to return with his soon to be wife back. Reaper trying to get out from his cell but it was too hard for him to break free. Killer carried Geno and Horror carried Goth.

"Boss, we've got you what you want..." Dust said with a demon smirked on his face. Nightmare turned around to see them carrying Geno and Goth. "They are not injuries, so you don't need to be worry."

"Thank you, idiots. Now bring Geno to my room." Nightmare order them. "And as for his son, bring him to his new room. I'll raised him with my Geno..."

Killer, Horror and Dust nodded at him and followed his order. Goth wakes up from his sleep and surprise that he and his mother got kidnapped. He tries to wake him up but he was scared if they hurt him and his mother so he just stay quiet.

After few hours later, Geno wakes up and shocked to see Nightmare was in front of him, sitting on his chest. "Nightmare...! Where is my son and my husband?!" He growls at him angrily.

"Your son, is safe in his new room and as for your husband, he's right here~." Nightmare cooed cupping his cheekbone and force to look at him. The poor skeleton tries to look away but the king of nightmares doesn't let him.

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